Ian Handley
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Quality of evidence revealing subtle gender biases in science is in the eye of the beholder
IM Handley, ER Brown, CA Moss-Racusin, JL Smith
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (43), 13201-13206, 2015
Self-blame among sexual assault victims prospectively predicts revictimization: A perceived sociolegal context model of risk
AK Miller, KD Markman, IM Handley
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 29 (2), 129-136, 2007
Videotaped interrogations and confessions: A simple change in camera perspective alters verdicts in simulated trials.
GD Lassiter, AL Geers, IM Handley, PE Weiland, PJ Munhall
Journal of Applied Psychology 87 (5), 867, 2002
Now hiring! Empirically testing a three-step intervention to increase faculty gender diversity in STEM
JL Smith, IM Handley, AV Zale, S Rushing, MA Potvin
BioScience 65 (11), 1084-1087, 2015
Increasing and decreasing motor and cognitive output: a model of general action and inaction goals.
D Albarracín, IM Handley, K Noguchi, KC McCulloch, H Li, J Leeper, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95 (3), 510, 2008
Keeping it dull or making it fun: Task variation as a function of promotion versus prevention focus
JL Smith, J Wagaman, IM Handley
Motivation and Emotion 33, 150-160, 2009
Videotaped confessions: Is guilt in the eye of the camera?
GD Lassiter, AL Geers, PJ Munhall, IM Handley, MJ Beers
Advances in experimental social psychology 33, 189-254, 2001
Discerning the role of optimism in persuasion: the valence-enhancement hypothesis.
AL Geers, IM Handley, AR McLarney
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 85 (3), 554, 2003
Affect and automatic mood maintenance
IM Handley, GD Lassiter, EF Nickell, LM Herchenroeder
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 40 (1), 106-112, 2004
Deconstructing self-blame following sexual assault: The critical roles of cognitive content and process
AK Miller, IM Handley, KD Markman, JH Miller
Violence Against Women 16 (10), 1120-1137, 2010
Evidence that unconscious thinking influences persuasion based on argument quality
IM Handley, BM Runnion
Social Cognition 29 (6), 668-682, 2011
Further evidence of a robust point-of-view bias in videotaped confessions
GD Lassiter, MJ Beers, AL Geers, IM Handley, PJ Munhall, PE Weiland
Current Psychology 21 (3), 265-288, 2002
The time for doing is not the time for change: effects of general action and inaction goals on attitude retrieval and attitude change.
D Albarracín, IM Handley
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 100 (6), 983, 2011
Mood and information processing: When happy and sad look the same
IM Handley, GD Lassiter
Motivation and Emotion 26, 223-255, 2002
Attributional complexity and the camera perspective bias in videotaped confessions
GD Lassiter, PJ Munhall, IP Berger, PE Weiland, IM Handley, AL Geers
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 27 (1), 27-35, 2005
Accountability and the camera perspective bias in videotaped confessions
GD Lassiter, PJ Munhal, AL Geers, PE Weiland, IM Handley
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 1 (1), 53-70, 2001
Participating in politics resembles physical activity: General action patterns in international archives, United States archives, and experiments
K Noguchi, IM Handley, D Albarracín
Psychological Science 22 (2), 235-242, 2011
Added benefits: How supporting women faculty in STEM improves everyone’s job satisfaction.
JL Smith, IM Handley, S Rushing, R Belou, EA Shanahan, MC Skewes, ...
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 11 (4), 502, 2018
Absent autonomy: Relational competence and gendered paths to faculty self-determination in the promotion and tenure process.
MC Skewes, EA Shanahan, JL Smith, JC Honea, R Belou, S Rushing, ...
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 11 (3), 366, 2018
Beliefs about expectations moderate the influence of expectations on pain perception
IM Handley, SL Fowler, HM Rasinski, SG Helfer, AL Geers
International journal of behavioral medicine 20, 52-58, 2013
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Articles 1–20