Stephen Muirhead
Stephen Muirhead
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The sharp phase transition for level set percolation of smooth planar Gaussian fields
S Muirhead, H Vanneuville
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 56 (2 …, 2020
Discretisation Schemes for Level Sets of Planar Gaussian Fields
D Beliaev, S Muirhead
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1-45, 2018
The phase transition for planar Gaussian percolation models without FKG
S Muirhead, A Rivera, H Vanneuville, L Köhler-Schindler
The Annals of Probability 51 (5), 1785-1829, 2023
Complete Localisation and Exponential Shape of the Parabolic Anderson Model with Weibull Potential Field
A Fiodorov, S Muirhead
Electronic Journal of Probability 19 (58), 1-27, 2014
Localisation in the Bouchaud–Anderson model
S Muirhead, R Pymar
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 126 (11), 3402-3462, 2016
A covariance formula for topological events of smooth Gaussian fields
S Muirhead, D Beliaev, A Rivera
Annals of Probability, 2020
Fluctuations of the number of excursion sets of planar Gaussian fields
D Beliaev, M McAuley, S Muirhead
Probability and Mathematical Physics 3 (1), 105-144, 2022
Percolation of strongly correlated Gaussian fields II. Sharpness of the phase transition
S Muirhead
The Annals of Probability 52 (3), 838-881, 2024
On the number of excursion sets of planar Gaussian fields
D Beliaev, M McAuley, S Muirhead
Probability Theory and Related Fields 178 (3), 655-698, 2020
Percolation of strongly correlated Gaussian fields, I: Decay of subcritical connection probabilities
S Muirhead, F Severo
Probability and Mathematical Physics 5 (2), 357-412, 2024
Upper bounds on the one-arm exponent for dependent percolation models
V Dewan, S Muirhead
Probability Theory and Related Fields 185 (1), 41-88, 2023
Functional limit theorems for the Bouchaud trap model with slowly varying traps
D Croydon, S Muirhead
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (5), 1980-2009, 2015
Sharp phase transition for Cox percolation
C Hirsch, B Jahnel, S Muirhead
Electronic Communications in Probability 27, 1-13, 2022
A central limit theorem for the number of excursion set components of Gaussian fields
D Beliaev, M McAuley, S Muirhead
The Annals of Probability 52 (3), 882-922, 2024
Russo–Seymour–Welsh estimates for the Kostlan ensemble of random polynomials
D Beliaev, S Muirhead, I Wigman
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probabilites et statistiques 57 (4 …, 2021
Smoothness and monotonicity of the excursion set density of planar Gaussian fields
D Beliaev, M McAuley, S Muirhead
Electronic Journal of Probability 25, 1-37, 2020
Quenched localisation in the Bouchaud trap model with slowly varying traps
DA Croydon, S Muirhead
Probability Theory and Related Fields 168 (1), 269-315, 2017
Financial Geometry: Pricing multi-asset barrier options using the generalised reflection principle
S Muirhead, K Borovkov
Honours Thesis, The University of Melbourne, 2011
Two-site localisation in the Bouchaud trap model with slowly varying traps
S Muirhead
Electronic Communications in Probability 20, 2015
Percolation of the excursion sets of planar symmetric shot noise fields
R Lachièze-Rey, S Muirhead
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 147, 175-209, 2022
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Articles 1–20