Marie-Line Bosse
Marie-Line Bosse
UGA Université Grenoble Alpes
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Developmental dyslexia: The visual attention span deficit hypothesis
ML Bosse, MJ Tainturier, S Valdois
Cognition 104 (2), 198-230, 2007
The cognitive deficits responsible for developmental dyslexia: Review of evidence for a selective visual attentional disorder
S Valdois, ML Bosse, MJ Tainturier
Dyslexia 10 (4), 339-363, 2004
Influence of the visual attention span on child reading performance: a cross‐sectional study
ML Bosse, S Valdois
Journal of research in reading 32 (2), 230-253, 2009
Phonological and visual processing deficits can dissociate in developmental dyslexia: Evidence from two case studies
S Valdois, ML Bosse, B Ans, S Carbonnel, M Zorman, D David, J Pellat
Reading and Writing 16, 541-572, 2003
Analogy without priming in early spelling development
ML Bosse, S Valdois, MJ Tainturier
Reading and Writing 16, 693-716, 2003
Orthographic learning during reading: the role of whole‐word visual processing
M Bosse, N Chaves, P Largy, S Valdois
Journal of Research in Reading 38 (2), 141-158, 2015
Visual attention modulates reading acquisition
S Valdois, JL Roulin, ML Bosse
Vision research 165, 152-161, 2019
A review of reading prosody acquisition and development
E Godde, ML Bosse, G Bailly
Reading and Writing 33 (2), 399-426, 2020
Perceptual span, visual span, and visual attention span: Three potential ways to quantify limits on visual processing during reading
A Frey, ML Bosse
Visual Cognition 26 (6), 412-429, 2018
Patterns of developmental dyslexia according to a multi-trace memory model of reading
ML Bosse, S Valdois
Current psychology letters. Behaviour, brain & cognition, 2003
L'orthographe grammaticale au collège: une approche sociodifférenciée.
C Totereau, C Brissaud, C Reilhac, ML Bosse
Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant 123, 164-171, 2013
Lexical orthography acquisition: Is handwriting better than spelling aloud?
ML Bosse, N Chaves, S Valdois
Frontiers in psychology 5, 56, 2014
Lexical neighborhood effects in pseudoword spelling
MJ Tainturier, ML Bosse, DJ Roberts, S Valdois, B Rapp
Frontiers in psychology 4, 862, 2013
Audio–visual synchronization in reading while listening to texts: Effects on visual behavior and verbal learning
E Gerbier, G Bailly, ML Bosse
Computer Speech & Language 47, 74-92, 2018
Learning different allographs through handwriting: The impact on letter knowledge and reading acquisition
F Bara, MF Morin, D Alamargot, ML Bosse
Learning and Individual Differences 45, 88-94, 2016
Existe-t-il des stades successifs dans l'acquisition de l'orthographe d'usage?
C Martinet, ML Bosse, S Valdois, MJ Tainturier
Langue française, 58-73, 1999
Syllable-first rather than letter-first to improve phonemic awareness
M Vazeux, N Doignon-Camus, ML Bosse, G Mahé, T Guo, D Zagar
Scientific reports 10 (1), 22130, 2020
Comment l'enfant produit-il l'orthographe des mots?
ML Bosse, S Pacton
Apprendre et enseigner à l'école, 43-58, 2006
De la relation entre acquisition de l'orthographe lexicale et traitement visuo-attentionnel chez l'enfant
ML Bosse
Rééducation orthophonique 222, 9-30, 2005
Learning to read and spell: How children acquire word orthographic knowledge
ML Bosse
Child Development Perspectives 9 (4), 222-226, 2015
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Articles 1–20