Javier  E Villegas
Javier E Villegas
Laboratoire Albert Fert, CNRS, Thales, Université Paris-Saclay
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Ultrathin oxide films and interfaces for electronics and spintronics
M Bibes, JE Villegas, A Barthélémy
Advances in Physics 60 (1), 5-84, 2011
A superconducting reversible rectifier that controls the motion of magnetic flux quanta
JE Villegas, S Savel'ev, F Nori, EM Gonzalez, JV Anguita, R Garcia, ...
science 302 (5648), 1188-1191, 2003
Ferromagnetic/superconducting proximity effect in superlattices
Z Sefrioui, D Arias, V Pena, JE Villegas, M Varela, P Prieto, C León, ...
Physical Review B 67 (21), 214511, 2003
Superconducting vortex pinning with artificial magnetic nanostructures
M Vélez, JI Martín, JE Villegas, A Hoffmann, EM González, JL Vicent, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (21), 2547-2562, 2008
Equal-spin Andreev reflection and long-range coherent transport in high-temperature superconductor/half-metallic ferromagnet junctions
C Visani, Z Sefrioui, J Tornos, C Leon, J Briatico, M Bibes, A Barthélémy, ...
Nature Physics 8 (7), 539-543, 2012
Nanoscale Electrostatic Manipulation of Magnetic Flux Quanta in Ferroelectric/Superconductor Heterostructures
A Crassous, R Bernard, S Fusil, K Bouzehouane, D Le Bourdais, ...
Physical review letters 107 (24), 247002, 2011
Field-effect control of superconductivity and Rashba spin-orbit coupling in top-gated LaAlO3/SrTiO3 devices
S Hurand, A Jouan, C Feuillet-Palma, G Singh, J Biscaras, E Lesne, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 12751, 2015
Experimental ratchet effect in superconducting films with periodic arrays of asymmetric potentials
JE Villegas, EM Gonzalez, MP Gonzalez, JV Anguita, JL Vicent
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (2), 024519, 2005
Superconductivity depression in ultrathin layers in superlattices
Z Sefrioui, M Varela, V Pena, D Arias, C Leon, J Santamarıa, JE Villegas, ...
Applied physics letters 81 (24), 4568-4570, 2002
Exchange-bias phenomenon: the role of the ferromagnetic spin structure
R Morales, AC Basaran, JE Villegas, D Navas, N Soriano, B Mora, ...
Physical Review Letters 114 (9), 097202, 2015
Freezing and thawing of artificial ice by thermal switching of geometric frustration in magnetic flux lattices
J Trastoy, M Malnou, C Ulysse, R Bernard, N Bergeal, G Faini, J Lesueur, ...
Nature nanotechnology 9 (9), 710-715, 2014
Metal–insulator-transition engineering by modulation tilt-control in perovskite nickelates for room temperature optical switching
Z Liao, N Gauquelin, RJ Green, K Müller-Caspary, I Lobato, L Li, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (38), 9515-9520, 2018
Effect of disorder on the metal-insulator transition of vanadium oxides: Local versus global effects
JG Ramirez, T Saerbeck, S Wang, J Trastoy, M Malnou, J Lesueur, ...
Physical Review B 91 (20), 205123, 2015
Ferroelectric control of a Mott insulator
H Yamada, M Marinova, P Altuntas, A Crassous, L Bégon-Lours, S Fusil, ...
Scientific reports 3 (1), 2834, 2013
Directional vortex motion guided by artificially induced mesoscopic potentials
JE Villegas, EM Gonzalez, MI Montero, IK Schuller, JL Vicent
Physical Review B 68 (22), 224504, 2003
Correlation length of quasiperiodic vortex lattices
JE Villegas, MI Montero, CP Li, IK Schuller
Physical review letters 97 (2), 027002, 2006
Magnetism and superconductivity in superlattices
P Prieto, P Vivas, G Campillo, E Baca, LF Castro, M Varela, C Ballesteros, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 89 (12), 8026-8029, 2001
Strong field-matching effects in superconducting YBaCuO films with vortex energy landscapes engineered via masked ion irradiation
I Swiecicki, C Ulysse, T Wolf, R Bernard, N Bergeal, J Briatico, G Faini, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (22), 224502, 2012
Crossover from a three-dimensional to purely two-dimensional vortex-glass transition in deoxygenated thin films
Z Sefrioui, D Arias, M Varela, JE Villegas, MAL de La Torre, C León, ...
Physical Review B 60 (22), 15423, 1999
Tunable Klein-like tunnelling of high-temperature superconducting pairs into graphene
D Perconte, FA Cuellar, C Moreau-Luchaire, M Piquemal-Banci, ...
Nature Physics 14 (1), 25-29, 2018
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Articles 1–20