Tao Yu
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Cited by
The 2021 magnonics roadmap
A Barman, G Gubbiotti, S Ladak, AO Adeyeye, M Krawczyk, J Gräfe, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (41), 413001, 2021
Valley depolarization due to intervalley and intravalley electron-hole exchange interactions in monolayer
T Yu, MW Wu
Physical Review B 89 (20), 205303, 2014
Excitation of unidirectional exchange spin waves by a nanoscale magnetic grating
J Chen, T Yu, C Liu, T Liu, M Madami, K Shen, J Zhang, S Tu, MS Alam, ...
Physical Review B 100 (10), 104427, 2019
Magnetic resonance imaging of spin-wave transport and interference in a magnetic insulator
I Bertelli, JJ Carmiggelt, T Yu, BG Simon, CC Pothoven, GEW Bauer, ...
Science advances 6 (46), eabd3556, 2020
Chirality as generalized spin–orbit interaction in spintronics
T Yu, Z Luo, GEW Bauer
Physics Reports 1009, 1-115, 2023
Chiral pumping of spin waves
T Yu, YM Blanter, GEW Bauer
Physical Review Letters 123 (24), 247202, 2019
Unidirectional pumping of phonons by magnetization dynamics
X Zhang, GEW Bauer, T Yu
Physical review letters 125 (7), 077203, 2020
Chiral excitation of spin waves in ferromagnetic films by magnetic nanowire gratings
T Yu, C Liu, H Yu, YM Blanter, GEW Bauer
Physical Review B 99 (13), 134424, 2019
Valley depolarization dynamics and valley Hall effect of excitons in monolayer and bilayer
T Yu, MW Wu
Physical Review B 93 (4), 045414, 2016
Enhanced diamond nucleation on copper substrates by employing an electrostatic self-assembly seeding process with modified nanodiamond particles
X Liu, T Yu, Q Wei, Z Yu, X Xu
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 412, 82-89, 2012
Magnon accumulation in chirally coupled magnets
T Yu, YX Zhang, S Sharma, X Zhang, YM Blanter, GEW Bauer
Physical review letters 124 (10), 107202, 2020
The microscopic origin of magnon-photon level attraction by traveling waves: Theory and experiment
B Yao, T Yu, X Zhang, W Lu, Y Gui, CM Hu, YM Blanter
Physical Review B 100 (21), 214426, 2019
Interactions between a magnon mode and a cavity photon mode mediated by traveling photons
JW Rao, YP Wang, Y Yang, T Yu, YS Gui, XL Fan, DS Xue, CM Hu
Physical Review B 101 (6), 064404, 2020
Nonreciprocal coherent coupling of nanomagnets by exchange spin waves
H Wang, J Chen, T Yu, C Liu, C Guo, S Liu, K Shen, H Jia, T Liu, J Zhang, ...
Nano Research, 1-6, 2021
Non-Hermitian topological magnonics
T Yu, J Zou, B Zeng, JW Rao, K Xia
Physics Reports 1062, 1-86, 2024
Circulating cavity magnon polaritons
W Yu, T Yu, GEW Bauer
Physical Review B 102 (6), 064416, 2020
Efficient gating of magnons by proximity superconductors
T Yu, GEW Bauer
Physical Review Letters 129 (11), 117201, 2022
Chiral coupling of magnons in waveguides
T Yu, X Zhang, S Sharma, YM Blanter, GEW Bauer
Physical Review B 101 (9), 094414, 2020
Coherent control of magnon radiative damping with local photon states
B Yao, T Yu, YS Gui, JW Rao, YT Zhao, W Lu, CM Hu
Communications Physics 2 (1), 161, 2019
Imaging spin‐wave damping underneath metals using electron spins in diamond
I Bertelli, BG Simon, T Yu, J Aarts, GEW Bauer, YM Blanter, T van der Sar
Advanced Quantum Technologies 4 (12), 2100094, 2021
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Articles 1–20