Robert Battalio
Robert Battalio
Professor of Finance, University of Notre Dame
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Earnings expectations, investor trade size, and anomalous returns around earnings announcements
RH Battalio, RR Mendenhall
Journal of Financial economics 77 (2), 289-319, 2005
Regulatory uncertainty and market liquidity: The 2008 short sale ban's impact on equity option markets
R Battalio, P Schultz
The Journal of Finance 66 (6), 2013-2053, 2011
Options and the bubble
R Battalio, P Schultz
The Journal of Finance 61 (5), 2071-2102, 2006
Third market broker‐dealers: Cost competitors or cream skimmers?
RH Battalio
The Journal of Finance 52 (1), 341-352, 1997
Can brokers have it all? On the relation between make‐take fees and limit order execution quality
R Battalio, SA Corwin, R Jennings
The Journal of Finance 71 (5), 2193-2238, 2016
Do competing specialists and preferencing dealers affect market quality?
R Battalio, J Greene, R Jennings
The Review of Financial Studies 10 (4), 969-993, 1997
Order submission strategies, liquidity supply, and trading in pennies on the New York Stock Exchange
J Bacidore, RH Battalio, RH Jennings
Journal of Financial Markets 6 (3), 337-362, 2003
Toward a national market system for US exchange–listed equity options
R Battalio, B Hatch, R Jennings
The Journal of Finance 59 (2), 933-962, 2004
A simple model of payment for order flow, internalization, and total trading cost
R Battalio, CW Holden
Journal of Financial Markets 4 (1), 33-71, 2001
Reputation effects in trading on the New York Stock Exchange
R Battalio, A Ellul, R Jennings
The Journal of Finance 62 (3), 1243-1271, 2007
Assessing individual risk attitudes using field data from lottery games
C Fullenkamp, R Tenorio, R Battalio
Review of Economics and statistics 85 (1), 218-226, 2003
Who, if anyone, reacts to accrual information?
RH Battalio, A Lerman, J Livnat, RR Mendenhall
Journal of Accounting and Economics 53 (1-2), 205-224, 2012
All else equal?: a multidimensional analysis of retail, market order execution quality
R Battalio, B Hatch, R Jennings
Journal of Financial Markets 6 (2), 143-162, 2003
Does payment for order flow to your broker help or hurt you?
RH Battalio, T Loughran
Journal of Business Ethics 80, 37-44, 2008
Does the limit order routing decision matter?
R Battalio, J Greene, B Hatch, R Jennings
The Review of Financial Studies 15 (1), 159-194, 2002
SOES trading and market volatility
RH Battalio, B Hatch, R Jennings
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 32 (2), 225-238, 1997
Changes in order characteristics, displayed liquidity, and execution quality on the New York Stock Exchange around the switch to decimal pricing
J Bacidore, R Battalio, R Jennings, S Farkas
New York Stock Exchange, 2001
Depth improvement and adjusted price improvement on the New York Stock Exchange
JM Bacidore, RH Battalio, RH Jennings
Journal of Financial Markets 5 (2), 169-195, 2002
Order flow distribution, bid–ask spreads, and liquidity costs: Merrill Lynch's decision to cease routinely routing orders to regional stock exchanges
R Battalio, J Greene, R Jennings
Journal of Financial Intermediation 7 (4), 338-358, 1998
Market declines: What is accomplished by banning short-selling?
RH Battalio, H Mehran, PH Schultz
Current issues in economics and finance 18 (5), 2012
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Articles 1–20