Dmitrii Tayurskii
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Cited by
On the superconductivity of graphite interfaces
P Esquinazi, TT Heikkilä, YV Lysogorskiy, DA Tayurskii, GE Volovik
JETP letters 100, 336-339, 2014
ac susceptibility and static magnetization measurements of CeRu 2 Si 2 at small magnetic fields and ultralow temperatures
D Takahashi, S Abe, H Mizuno, DA Tayurskii, K Matsumoto, H Suzuki, ...
Physical Review B 67 (18), 180407, 2003
Two-dimensional electron gas at the interface of Ba0.8Sr0.2TiO3 ferroelectric and LaMnO3 antiferomagnet
DP Pavlov, II Piyanzina, VM Mukhortov, AM Balbashov, DA Tayurskii, ...
JETP Letters 106, 460-464, 2017
Density functional theory calculations on azobenzene derivatives: a comparative study of functional group effect
I Piyanzina, B Minisini, D Tayurskii, JF Bardeau
Journal of molecular modeling 21, 1-5, 2015
Electronic properties of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 n-type interfaces: a GGA+ U study
II Piyanzina, T Kopp, YV Lysogorskiy, DA Tayurskii, V Eyert
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 (9), 095501, 2017
Enhancement of Rashba coupling in vertical InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots
SM Huang, AO Badrutdinov, L Serra, T Kodera, T Nakaoka, N Kumagai, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (8), 085325, 2011
γ-Iron phase stabilized at room temperature by thermally processed graphene oxide
A Khannanov, A Kiiamov, A Valimukhametova, DA Tayurskii, F Börrnert, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (29), 9051-9055, 2018
DFT insight into Cd2+, Hg2+, Pb2+, Sn2+, As3+, Sb3+, and Cr3+ heavy metal ions adsorption onto surface of bowl-like B30 nanosheet
S Kaviani, DA Tayurskii, OV Nedopekin, I Piyanzina
Journal of Molecular Liquids 365, 120131, 2022
Ab initio investigation of electronic and magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic/ferroelectric LaMnO3/BaTiO3 interface
VV Kabanov, II Piyanzina, YV Lysogorskiy, DA Tayurskii, RF Mamin
Materials Research Express 7 (5), 055020, 2020
Oxygen vacancies and hydrogen doping in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures: electronic properties and impact on surface and interface reconstruction
II Piyanzina, V Eyert, YV Lysogorskiy, DA Tayurskii, T Kopp
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (29), 295601, 2019
Observation of persistent currents in finely dispersed pyrolytic graphite
M Saad, IF Gilmutdinov, AG Kiiamov, DA Tayurskii, SI Nikitin, RV Yusupov
JETP Letters 107, 37-41, 2018
Anisotropic magnetic susceptibility and crystal field analysis in the Van Vleck paramagnet PrF3
AV Savinkov, DS Irisov, BZ Malkin, KR Safiullin, H Suzuki, MS Tagirov, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (27), 6337, 2006
Nuclear magnetic relaxation of 3He in contact with an aerogel above the Fermi temperature
AV Klochkov, VV Kuz’min, KR Safiullin, MS Tagirov, DA Tayurskii, ...
JETP letters 88, 823-827, 2008
Magnetic resonant and non-resonant investigations of LiLnF4 (Ln = Y, Tm) powders
AV Klochkov, SP Kurzin, IR Mukhamedshin, DR Nabiullin, VV Naletov, ...
Applied Magnetic Resonance 14, 525-544, 1998
A DFT-D3 investigation on Li, Na, and K decorated C6O6Li6 cluster as a new promising hydrogen storage system
S Kaviani, I Piyanzina, OV Nedopekin, DA Tayurskii
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (77), 30069-30084, 2023
Magnetocaloric effect in single crystal GdTiO3
H Omote, S Watanabe, K Matsumoto, I Gilmutdinov, A Kiiamov, ...
Cryogenics 101, 58-62, 2019
High-Frequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Ions in Lanthanum and Thulium Ethylsulphate Single Crystals
HP Moll, J Van Tol, P Wyder, MS Tagirov, DA Tayurskii
Physical review letters 77 (16), 3459, 1996
Adsorption behavior and sensing properties of toxic gas molecules onto PtnBe (n= 5, 7, 10) clusters: a DFT benchmark study
S Kaviani, II Piyanzina, OV Nedopekin, DA Tayurskii
Materials Today Communications 33, 104851, 2022
Structural order and melting of a quasi-one-dimensional electron system
DG Rees, NR Beysengulov, Y Teranishi, CS Tsao, SS Yeh, SP Chiu, ...
Physical Review B 94 (4), 045139, 2016
Relaxation of the nuclear magnetism of liquid 3~ e at the surface of paramagnetic crystals
VV Naletov, MS Tagirov, DA TayurskiT, MA Teplov
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Articles 1–20