Joel D. Cox
Joel D. Cox
Center for Polariton-driven Light-Matter Interactions (POLIMA), University of Southern Denmark
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Cited by
Electrically tunable nonlinear plasmonics in graphene nanoislands
JD Cox, FJG De Abajo
Nature communications 5, 5725, 2014
Plasmon-assisted high-harmonic generation in graphene
JD Cox, A Marini, FJ García de Abajo
Nature Communications 8, 14380, 2017
Theory of graphene saturable absorption
A Marini, JD Cox, FJ García de Abajo
Physical Review B 95 (12), 125408, 2017
Ultrafast nonlinear optical response of Dirac fermions in graphene
M Baudisch, A Marini, JD Cox, T Zhu, F Silva, S Teichmann, M Massicotte, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1018, 2018
Dipole-dipole interaction between a quantum dot and a graphene nanodisk
JD Cox, MR Singh, G Gumbs, MA Anton, F Carreno
Physical Review B 86 (12), 125452, 2012
Quantum Effects in the Nonlinear Response of Graphene Plasmons
JD Cox, I Silveiro, FJ García de Abajo
ACS nano 10 (2), 1995-2003, 2016
How to identify plasmons from the optical response of nanostructures
R Zhang, L Bursi, JD Cox, Y Cui, CM Krauter, A Alabastri, A Manjavacas, ...
ACS nano 11 (7), 7321-7335, 2017
Giant enhancement of third-harmonic generation in graphene–metal heterostructures
IA Calafell, LA Rozema, DA Iranzo, A Trenti, PK Jenke, JD Cox, A Kumar, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 16 (3), 318-324, 2021
Nonlinear Graphene Nanoplasmonics
JD Cox, FJ García de Abajo
Accounts of chemical research 52 (9), 2536-2547, 2019
Quantum computing with graphene plasmons
IA Calafell, JD Cox, M Radonjić, JRM Saavedra, FJG de Abajo, ...
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 37, 2019
Plasmon-enhanced nonlinear wave mixing in nanostructured graphene
JD Cox, FJ García de Abajo
ACS Photonics 2 (2), 306-312, 2015
Plasmonic effects in excitonic population transfer in a driven semiconductor–metal nanoparticle hybrid system
MA Antón, F Carreño, S Melle, OG Calderón, E Cabrera-Granado, J Cox, ...
Physical Review B 86 (15), 155305, 2012
On the applicability of quantum-optical concepts in strong-coupling nanophotonics
C Tserkezis, AI Fernández-Domínguez, PAD Gonçalves, F Todisco, ...
Reports on Progress in Physics 83 (8), 082401, 2020
A nonlinear switching mechanism in quantum dot and metallic nanoparticle hybrid systems
JD Cox, MR Singh, C von Bilderling, AV Bragas
Advanced Optical Materials 1 (6), 460-467, 2013
Nonlinear Plasmonic Sensing with Nanographene
R Yu, JD Cox, FJG de Abajo
Physical Review Letters 117 (12), 123904, 2016
Strong Light–Matter Interactions Enabled by Polaritons in Atomically Thin Materials
PAD Gonçalves, N Stenger, JD Cox, NA Mortensen, S Xiao
Advanced Optical Materials 8 (5), 1901473, 2020
Analytical modeling of graphene plasmons
R Yu, JD Cox, JRM Saavedra, FJ García de Abajo
ACS Photonics 4 (12), 3106-3114, 2017
Optical response of noble metal nanostructures: quantum surface effects in crystallographic facets
AR Echarri, PAD Gonçalves, C Tserkezis, FJG de Abajo, NA Mortensen, ...
Optica 8 (5), 710-721, 2021
Quantum effects in the acoustic plasmons of atomically thin heterostructures
A Rodríguez Echarri, JD Cox, FJ García de Abajo
Optica 6 (5), 630-641, 2019
Surface-response functions obtained from equilibrium electron-density profiles
NA Mortensen, PAD Gonçalves, FA Shuklin, JD Cox, C Tserkezis, ...
Nanophotonics 10 (14), 3647-3657, 2021
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Articles 1–20