Matthew R. Sweeney
Matthew R. Sweeney
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Upscaled discrete fracture matrix model (UDFM): an octree-refined continuum representation of fractured porous media
MR Sweeney, CW Gable, S Karra, PH Stauffer, RJ Pawar, JD Hyman
Computational Geosciences 24, 293-310, 2020
Transport and mixing dynamics from explosions in debris-filled volcanic conduits: numerical results and implications for maar-diatreme volcanoes
MR Sweeney, GA Valentine
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 425, 64-76, 2015
Compressible flow phenomena at inception of lateral density currents fed by collapsing gas‐particle mixtures
GA Valentine, MR Sweeney
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (2), 1286-1302, 2018
Scale‐bridging in three‐dimensional fracture networks: Characterizing the effects of variable fracture apertures on network‐scale flow channelization
JD Hyman, MR Sweeney, LP Frash, JW Carey, HS Viswanathan
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (19), e2021GL094400, 2021
A machine learning framework for rapid forecasting and history matching in unconventional reservoirs
S Srinivasan, D O’Malley, MK Mudunuru, MR Sweeney, JD Hyman, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 21730, 2021
Impact zone dynamics of dilute mono-and polydisperse jets and their implications for the initial conditions of pyroclastic density currents
MR Sweeney, GA Valentine
Physics of Fluids 29 (9), 2017
Stress effects on flow and transport in three‐dimensional fracture networks
MR Sweeney, JD Hyman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (8), e2020JB019754, 2020
Flow and transport in three-dimensional discrete fracture matrix models using mimetic finite difference on a conforming multi-dimensional mesh
JD Hyman, MR Sweeney, CW Gable, D Svyatsky, K Lipnikov, JD Moulton
Journal of Computational Physics 466, 111396, 2022
Physics-informed machine learning for real-time unconventional reservoir management
MK Mudunuru, D O'Malley, S Srinivasan, JDH Hyman, MR Sweeney, ...
Los Alamos National Lab.(LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States), 2020
Variable resolution Poisson-disk sampling for meshing discrete fracture networks
J Krotz, MR Sweeney, CW Gable, JD Hyman, JM Restrepo
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 407, 114094, 2022
Topographic controls on a phreatomagmatic maar-diatreme eruption: Field and numerical results from the Holocene Dotsero volcano (Colorado, USA)
MR Sweeney, ZS Grosso, GA Valentine
Bulletin of Volcanology 80, 1-25, 2018
Multilevel graph partitioning for three-dimensional discrete fracture network flow simulations
H Ushijima-Mwesigwa, JD Hyman, A Hagberg, I Safro, S Karra, CW Gable, ...
Mathematical Geosciences 53 (8), 1699-1724, 2021
A physics-informed machine learning workflow to forecast production in a fractured Marcellus shale reservoir
MR Gross, JD Hyman, S Srinivasan, D O’Malley, S Karra, MK Mudunuru, ...
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, 26–28 July 2021, 3641-3648, 2021
Characterizing reactive transport behavior in a three-dimensional discrete fracture network
T Sherman, G Sole-Mari, J Hyman, MR Sweeney, D Vassallo, D Bolster
Transport in Porous Media, 1-21, 2021
Shale fundamentals: Experimental and modeling insights
M Mehana, JE Santos, C Neil, JW Carey, G Guthrie, J Hyman, Q Kang, ...
Energy Reports 8, 11192-11205, 2022
Fracture intensity impacts on reaction front propagation and mineral weathering in three‐dimensional fractured media
EM Andrews, JD Hyman, MR Sweeney, S Karra, JD Moulton, ...
Water Resources Research 59 (2), e2022WR032121, 2023
A Geo‐Structurally Based Correction Factor for Apparent Dissolution Rates in Fractured Media
JD Hyman, A Navarre‐Sitchler, E Andrews, MR Sweeney, S Karra, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (15), e2022GL099513, 2022
Characterizing the Impacts of Multi‐Scale Heterogeneity on Solute Transport in Fracture Networks
MR Sweeney, JD Hyman, D O’Malley, JE Santos, JW Carey, PH Stauffer, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (21), e2023GL104958, 2023
Exploring the limitations of fracture caging in nextgen enhanced geothermal systems
LP Frash, M Sweeney, M Meng, B KC, UC Iyare, Y Madenova, JW Carey, ...
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2023-0052, 2023
Maximal Poisson-disk sampling for variable resolution conforming delaunay mesh generation: Applications for three-dimensional discrete fracture networks and the surrounding volume
J Krotz, MR Sweeney, CW Gable, JD Hyman, JM Restrepo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.10079, 2021
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Articles 1–20