Dr. Pallav Purohit
Cited by
Cited by
Mitigation pathways compatible with 1.5 C in the context of sustainable development
J Rogelj, D Shindell, K Jiang, S Fifita, P Forster, V Ginzburg, C Handa, ...
Global warming of 1.5 C, 93-174, 2018
Global anthropogenic emissions of particulate matter including black carbon
Z Klimont, K Kupiainen, C Heyes, P Purohit, J Cofala, P Rafaj, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (14), 8681-8723, 2017
Short-Lived Climate Forcers (Chapter 6)
S Szopa, V Naik, B Adhikary, P Artaxo, T Berntsen, WD Collins, S Fuzzi, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2021
EU Reference Scenario 2016-Energy, transport and GHG emissions Trends to 2050.
P Capros, A De Vita, N Tasios, P Siskos, M Kannavou, A Petropoulos, ...
European Commission Directorate-General for Energy, Directorate-General for …, 2016
Energy pathways for sustainable development
K Riahi, F Dentener, D Gielen, A Grubler, J Jewell, Z Klimont, V Krey, ...
Cambridge University Press and IIASA, 2012
Projections of SO2, NOx and carbonaceous aerosols emissions in Asia
Z Klimont, J Cofala, J Xing, W Wei, C Zhang, S Wang, J Kejun, P Bhandari, ...
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 61 (4), 602-617, 2009
Techno-economic evaluation of concentrating solar power generation in India
I Purohit, P Purohit
Energy policy 38 (6), 3015-3029, 2010
Outlook for clean air in the context of sustainable development goals
P Rafaj, G Kiesewetter, T Gül, W Schöpp, J Cofala, Z Klimont, P Purohit, ...
Global Environmental Change 53, 1-11, 2018
Solar drying vs. open sun drying: A framework for financial evaluation
P Purohit, A Kumar, TC Kandpal
Solar energy 80 (12), 1568-1579, 2006
The public health implications of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study
I Hamilton, H Kennard, A McGushin, L Höglund-Isaksson, G Kiesewetter, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (2), e74-e83, 2021
Energetics of coal substitution by briquettes of agricultural residues
P Purohit, AK Tripathi, TC Kandpal
Energy 31 (8-9), 1321-1331, 2006
Reducing global air pollution: the scope for further policy interventions
M Amann, G Kiesewetter, W Schöpp, Z Klimont, W Winiwarter, J Cofala, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378 (2183), 20190331, 2020
Technical Summary: Global warming of 1.5 C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas …
M Allen, P Antwi-Agyei, F Aragon-Durand, M Babiker, P Bertoldi, M Bind, ...
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2019
EU energy, transport and GHG emissions: trends to 2050, reference scenario 2013
P Capros, A De Vita, N Tasios, D Papadopoulos, P Siskos, E Apostolaki, ...
Evaluating the potential of concentrating solar power generation in Northwestern India
I Purohit, P Purohit, S Shekhar
Energy policy 62, 157-175, 2013
Small hydro power projects under clean development mechanism in India: A preliminary assessment
P Purohit
Energy Policy 36 (6), 2000-2015, 2008
Additionality determination of Indian CDM projects: Can Indian CDM project developers outwit the CDM Executive Board?
A Michaelowa, P Purohit
Climate Strategies., 2007
Technical and economic potential of concentrating solar thermal power generation in India
I Purohit, P Purohit
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78, 648-667, 2017
Economic potential of biomass gasification projects under clean development mechanism in India
P Purohit
Journal of Cleaner Production 17 (2), 181-193, 2009
Biomass pellets for power generation in India: a techno-economic evaluation
P Purohit, V Chaturvedi
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 29614-29632, 2018
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Articles 1–20