Sissel Hovik
Sissel Hovik
Professor i organisasjon og ledelse, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus
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Cited by
The impact of network management and complexity on multi‐level coordination
S Hovik, GS Hanssen
Public administration 93 (2), 506-523, 2015
Kommunal organisering 2004
S Hovik, IM Stigen
Oslo: Norsk institutt for by-og regionforskning, 2004
Local government and nature conservation in Norway: decentralisation as a strategy in environmental policy
EI Falleth, S Hovik
Local Environment 14 (3), 221-231, 2009
Kommunal organisering 2008.
S Hovik, IM Stigen
Politics 8 (1), 41-63, 1815
Management of protected areas in Norway and Sweden: challenges in combining central governance and local participation
S Hovik, C Sandström, A Zachrisson
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 12 (2), 159-177, 2010
National environmental goals in search of local institutions
S Hovik, M Reitan
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 22 (5), 687-699, 2004
Decentralization of conservation management in Norway and Sweden—different translations of an international trend
E Hongslo, S Hovik, A Zachrisson, AK Aasen Lundberg
Society & Natural Resources 29 (8), 998-1014, 2016
Network governance and policy integration—the case of regional coastal zone planning in Norway
S Hovik, K Bjørn Stokke
European Planning Studies 15 (7), 927-944, 2007
Balancing aquaculture with other coastal interests: a study of regional planning as a tool for ICZM in Norway
S Hovik, KB Stokke
Ocean & Coastal Management 50 (11-12), 887-904, 2007
Lokal forvaltning av store verneområder
EI Falleth, S Hovik
Oslo: Norsk institutt for by-og regionforskning, 2008
Norwegian Local Councils as Democratic Meta‐governors? A Study of Networks Established to Manage Cross‐border Natural Resources
S Hovik, SI Vabo
Scandinavian Political Studies 28 (3), 257-275, 2005
Stortinget som lokalpolitisk aktør
T Hansen, S Hovik, JE Klausen
Kommunenes sentralforbund, forskning, 2000
Balancing local interests and national conservation obligations in nature protection. The case of local management boards in Norway
S Hovik, E Hongslo
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 60 (4), 708-724, 2017
Den nye vannforvaltningen-Nettverksstyring i skyggen av hierarki
GS Hanssen, S Hovik, GC Hundere
Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift 30 (3), 155-180, 2014
Nasjonal lakselusovervåkning 2008 på ville bestander av laks, sjøørret og sjørøye langs Norskekysten samt i forbindelse med evaluering av nasjonale laksevassdrag og laksefjorder
PA Bjørn, B Finstad, R Nilsen, I Uglem, L Asplin, Ø Skaala, KK Boxaspen, ...
Adaptation to climate change: professional networks and reinforcing institutional environments
S Hovik, J Naustdalslid, M Reitan, T Muthanna
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 33 (1), 104-117, 2015
Omstridd natur: trender & utmaningar i nordisk naturförvaltning
C Sandström, S Hovik, EI Falleth
Boréa, 2008
Kommunal kystsoneplanlegging: et redskap for en balansert utvikling av havbruk og fiske
KB Stokke, M Hanssen, S Hovik
Norsk institutt for by-og regionforskning, 2006
Omstridd natur: Trender och utmaningar i nordisk naturförvaltning
C Sandström, S Hovik, EI Falleth
Boréa, Umeå, 2008
Implementing the EU Water Framework Directive in Norway: Bridging the gap between water management networks and elected councils?
S Hovik, GS Hanssen
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 18 (4), 535-555, 2016
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Articles 1–20