Hugo Costelha
Hugo Costelha
Coordinator Professor, Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal
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Cited by
Petri net plans: a formal model for representation and execution of multi-robot plans
VA Ziparo, L Iocchi, D Nardi, PF Palamara, H Costelha
Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents …, 2008
Robot task plan representation by Petri nets: modelling, identification, analysis and execution
H Costelha, P Lima
Autonomous Robots 33 (4), 337-360, 2012
Modelling, analysis and execution of robotic tasks using petri nets
H Costelha, P Lima
2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2007
Shop Floor Virtualization and Industry 4.0
A Martins, H Costelha, C Neves
2019 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and …, 2019
Developing an OPC UA Server for CNC Machines
A Martins, J Lucas, H Costelha, C Neves
Procedia Computer Science 180, 561-570, 2021
Localization and navigation of a mobile robot in an office-like environment
P Alves, H Costelha, C Neves
2013 13th International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems, 1-6, 2013
Modelling, Analysis and Execution of Multi-Robot Tasks using Petri Nets (Short Paper)
H Costelha, P Lima
Topological navigation in configuration space applied to soccer robots
G Neto, H Costelha, P Lima
RoboCup 2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII 7, 551-558, 2004
Technical database on robotics-based educational platforms for K-12 students
H Costelha, C Neves
2018 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and …, 2018
A robotic soccer passing task using petri net plans (demo paper)
PF Palamara, VA Ziparo, L Iocchi, D Nardi, P Lima, H Costelha
Proc. of 7th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS …, 2008
Supporting the Design, Commissioning and Supervision of Smart Factory Components through their Digital Twin
A Martins, H Costelha, C Neves
2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and …, 2020
Monocular Camera Calibration for Autonomous Driving—a comparative study
PF Martins, H Costelha, LC Bento, C Neves
2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and …, 2020
CNC machines integration in smart factories using OPC UA
A Martins, J Lucas, H Costelha, C Neves
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 34, 100482, 2023
Isocrob 2003: Team description paper
P Lima, L Custodio, M Arroz, H Costelha, B Damas, C Gil, G Neto, ...
Proceedings of the RoboCup 2003 Symposium, 2003
Petri net robotic task plan representation: Modelling, analysis and execution
H Costelha, P Lima
Autonomous agents, 65-89, 2010
Subjective Evaluation of Haptic Feedback Technologies for Interactive Multimedia
B Silva, H Costelha, LC Bento, M Barata, PAA Assuncao
IEEE EUROCON 2019-18th International Conference on Smart Technologies, 1-6, 2019
User-Experience with Haptic Feedback Technologies and Text Input in Interactive Multimedia Devices
B Silva, H Costelha, LC Bento, M Barata, P Assuncao
Sensors 20 (18), 5316, 2020
An approach to integrating manufacturing data from legacy Injection Moulding Machines using OPC UA
A Martins, B Miguel Lopes e Silva, H Costelha, C Neves, J Lyons, ...
37th International Manufacturing Conference (IMC37), 2021
Path Generation and Execution for Automatic Shotcrete in Railway Tunnels
G Moniz, H Costelha
2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and …, 2023
Accuracy versus complexity of MARG-based filters for remote control pointing devices
M Rasteiro, H Costelha, L Bento, P Assuncao
2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan, 51-52, 2015
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Articles 1–20