Roberto Confalonieri
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Cited by
Uncertainties in predicting rice yield by current crop models under a wide range of climatic conditions
T Li, T Hasegawa, X Yin, Y Zhu, K Boote, M Adam, S Bregaglio, S Buis, ...
Global change biology 21 (3), 1328-1341, 2015
Comparison of sensitivity analysis techniques: a case study with the rice model WARM
R Confalonieri, G Bellocchi, S Bregaglio, M Donatelli, M Acutis
Ecological Modelling 221 (16), 1897-1906, 2010
Development of an app for estimating leaf area index using a smartphone. Trueness and precision determination and comparison with other indirect methods
R Confalonieri, M Foi, R Casa, S Aquaro, E Tona, M Peterle, A Boldini, ...
Computers and electronics in agriculture 96, 67-74, 2013
Multi-metric evaluation of the models WARM, CropSyst, and WOFOST for rice
R Confalonieri, M Acutis, G Bellocchi, M Donatelli
Ecological Modelling 220 (11), 1395-1410, 2009
Dynamic respiration index as a descriptor of the biological stability of organic wastes
F Adani, R Confalonieri, F Tambone
Journal of environmental quality 33 (5), 1866-1876, 2004
Evaluation of CropSyst for simulating the yield of flooded rice in northern Italy
R Confalonieri, S Bocchi
European journal of agronomy 23 (4), 315-326, 2005
Sensitivity analysis of the rice model WARM in Europe: exploring the effects of different locations, climates and methods of analysis on model sensitivity to crop parameters
R Confalonieri, G Bellocchi, S Tarantola, M Acutis, M Donatelli, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (4), 479-488, 2010
An improved model to simulate rice yield
R Confalonieri, AS Rosenmund, B Baruth
Agronomy for Sustainable Development 29, 463-474, 2009
Sensitivity analysis for a complex crop model applied to Durum wheat in the Mediterranean
GM Richter, M Acutis, P Trevisiol, K Latiri, R Confalonieri
European Journal of Agronomy 32 (2), 127-136, 2010
A preliminary evaluation of the simulation model CropSyst for alfalfa
R Confalonieri, L Bechini
European Journal of Agronomy 21 (2), 223-237, 2004
Designing ecological corridors in a fragmented landscape: A fuzzy approach to circuit connectivity analysis
ME Pierik, M Dell’Acqua, R Confalonieri, S Bocchi, S Gomarasca
Ecological indicators 67, 807-820, 2016
Estimating biogas production of biologically treated municipal solid waste
B Scaglia, R Confalonieri, G D’Imporzano, F Adani
Bioresource technology 101 (3), 945-952, 2010
Parameterization of a crop growth and development simulation model at sub-model components level. An example for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
L Bechini, S Bocchi, T Maggiore, R Confalonieri
Environmental modelling & software 21 (7), 1042-1054, 2006
Evaluation of LAI-2000 for leaf area index monitoring in paddy rice
D Stroppiana, M Boschetti, R Confalonieri, S Bocchi, PA Brivio
Field Crops Research 99 (2-3), 167-170, 2006
Comparison of leaf area index estimates by ceptometer and PocketLAI smart app in canopies with different structures
C Francone, V Pagani, M Foi, G Cappelli, R Confalonieri
Field Crops Research 155, 38-41, 2014
Fungal infections of rice, wheat, and grape in Europe in 2030–2050
S Bregaglio, M Donatelli, R Confalonieri
Agronomy for sustainable development 33, 767-776, 2013
Uncertainty in crop model predictions: what is the role of users?
R Confalonieri, F Orlando, L Paleari, T Stella, C Gilardelli, E Movedi, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 81, 165-173, 2016
Multi metric evaluation of leaf wetness models for large-area application of plant disease models
S Bregaglio, M Donatelli, R Confalonieri, M Acutis, S Orlandini
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (9), 1163-1172, 2011
Predicting rice blast disease: machine learning versus process-based models
DF Nettleton, D Katsantonis, A Kalaitzidis, N Sarafijanovic-Djukic, ...
BMC bioinformatics 20, 1-16, 2019
A proposal of an indicator for quantifying model robustness based on the relationship between variability of errors and of explored conditions
R Confalonieri, S Bregaglio, M Acutis
Ecological Modelling 221 (6), 960-964, 2010
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Articles 1–20