David Howard
David Howard
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The pyramids and palm trees test
D Howard, KE Patterson
Newcastle University, 1992
Comprehensive aphasia test
K Swinburn, G Porter, D Howard
The cortical localization of the lexicons: Positron emission tomography evidence
D Howard, K Patterson, R Wise, WD Brown, K Friston, C Weiller, ...
Brain 115 (6), 1769-1782, 1992
Hearing and saying: The functional neuro-anatomy of auditory word processing
CJ Price, CJ Price, RJS Wise, EA Warburton, CJ Moore, D Howard, ...
Brain 119 (3), 919-931, 1996
Brain activity during reading The effects of exposure duration and task
CJ Price, RJS Wise, JDG Watson, K Patterson, D Howard, ...
Brain 117 (6), 1255-1269, 1994
Age of acquisition and imageability ratings for a large set of words, including verbs and function words
H Bird, S Franklin, D Howard
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 33 (1), 73-79, 2001
Cumulative semantic inhibition in picture naming: Experimental and computational studies
D Howard, L Nickels, M Coltheart, J Cole-Virtue
Cognition 100 (3), 464-482, 2006
A cognitive neuropsychological approach to assessment and intervention in aphasia: A clinician's guide
A Whitworth, J Webster, D Howard
Psychology Press, 2014
Aphasic naming: What matters?
L Nickels, D Howard
Neuropsychologia 33 (10), 1281-1303, 1995
Treatment of word retrieval deficits in aphasia
D Howard, K Patterson, S Franklin, V Orchard-Lisle, J Morton
Brain 108 (8), 17-829, 1985
Temporal lobe regions engaged during normal speech comprehension
JT Crinion, MA Lambon‐Ralph, EA Warburton, D Howard, RJS Wise
Brain 126 (5), 1193-1201, 2003
Why is a verb like an inanimate object? Grammatical category and semantic category deficits
H Bird, D Howard, S Franklin
Brain and language 72 (3), 246-309, 2000
The facilitation of picture naming in aphasia
D Howard, K Patterson, S Franklin, V Orchard-Lisle, J Morton
Cognitive Neuropsychology 2 (1), 49-80, 1985
Missing the meaning?: A cognitive neuropsychological study of the processing of words by an aphasic patient.
D Howard, S Franklin
The MIT Press, 1988
On the origin of semantic errors in naming: Evidence from the case of a global aphasic
D Howard, V Orchard-Lisle
Cognitive neuropsychology 1 (2), 163-190, 1984
Regional response differences within the human auditory cortex when listening to words
C Price, R Wise, S Ramsay, K Friston, D Howard, K Patterson, ...
Neuroscience letters 146 (2), 179-182, 1992
Aphasia therapy: Historical and contemporary issues
D Howard, FM Hatfield
Routledge, 2018
The semantic deficit in aphasia: The relationship between semantic errors in auditory comprehension and picture naming
B Butterworth, D Howard, P Mcloughlin
Neuropsychologia 22 (4), 409-426, 1984
Verbs and nouns: The importance of being imageable
H Bird, D Howard, S Franklin
Journal of Neurolinguistics 16 (2-3), 113-149, 2003
Are living and non-living category-specific deficits causally linked to impaired perceptual or associative knowledge? Evidence from a category-specific double dissociation
MA Lambon Ralph, D Howard, G Nightingale, AW Ellis
Neurocase 4 (4-5), 311-338, 1998
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