Jung-Chun Liu 
Jung-Chun Liu 
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Solubility of heavy metals in a contaminated soil: effects of redox potential and pH
MC Chuan, GY Shu, JC Liu
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 90, 543-556, 1996
Biofouling in membrane bioreactor
A Ramesh, DJ Lee, ML Wang, JP Hsu, RS Juang, KJ Hwang, JC Liu, ...
Separation science and technology 41 (7), 1345-1370, 2006
Release behavior of chromium from tannery sludge
MC Chuan, JC Liu
Water Research 30 (4), 932-938, 1996
Analgesic and sedative effects of intranasal dexmedetomidine in third molar surgery under local anaesthesia
CW Cheung, KFJ Ng, J Liu, MYV Yuen, MHA Ho, MG Irwin
British journal of anaesthesia 107 (3), 430-437, 2011
On improvement of cloud virtual machine availability with virtualization fault tolerance mechanism
CT Yang, JC Liu, CH Hsu, WL Chou
The Journal of Supercomputing 69, 1103-1122, 2014
Electrokinetic characteristics of some metal sulfide-water interfaces
JC Liu, CP Huang
Langmuir 8 (7), 1851-1856, 1992
An MFCC‐based text‐independent speaker identification system for access control
JC Liu, FY Leu, GL Lin, H Susanto
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 30 (2), e4255, 2018
Implementation of a big data accessing and processing platform for medical records in cloud
CT Yang, JC Liu, ST Chen, HW Lu
Journal of medical systems 41, 1-28, 2017
Anomaly detection using LibSVM training tools
CH Lin, JC Liu, CH Ho
2008 international conference on information security and assurance (isa …, 2008
On construction of an energy monitoring service using big data technology for the smart campus
CT Yang, ST Chen, JC Liu, RH Liu, CL Chang
Cluster Computing 23, 265-288, 2020
Genetic algorithm for shortest driving time in intelligent transportation systems
CH Lin, JL Yu, JC Liu, CJ Lee
2008 International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (mue …, 2008
Construction and application of an intelligent air quality monitoring system for healthcare environment
CT Yang, CJ Liao, JC Liu, W Den, YC Chou, JJ Tsai
Journal of medical systems 38, 1-10, 2014
Energy analysis of multimedia video decoding on mobile handheld devices
CH Lin, JC Liu, CW Liao
Computer Standards & Interfaces 32 (1-2), 10-17, 2010
A study on the biosorption of lindane
YH Ju, TC Chen, JC Liu
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 9 (3-4), 187-196, 1997
Desorptive behavior of chlorophenols in contaminated soils
CN You, JC Liu
Water Science and Technology 33 (6), 263-270, 1996
A method for managing green power of a virtual machine cluster in cloud
CT Yang, JC Liu, KL Huang, FC Jiang
Future Generation Computer Systems 37, 26-36, 2014
Using adaptive bandwidth allocation approach to defend DDos attacks
CH Lin, JC Liu, HC Huang, TC Yang
2008 International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (mue …, 2008
Cross‐flow microfiltration with gas backwash of apple juice
SK Su, JC Liu, RC Wiley
Journal of food science 58 (3), 638-641, 1993
Extracellular polymers of ozonized waste activated sludge
JC Liu, CH Lee, JY Lai, KC Wang, YC Hsu, BV Chang
Water science and technology 44 (10), 137-142, 2001
Distortion and residual stress in quenched aluminum bars
R Becker, ME Karabin, JC Liu, RE Smelser
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Articles 1–20