Mitsuhisa Sato
Mitsuhisa Sato
RIKEN Center for Computational Science
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The international exascale software project roadmap
J Dongarra, P Beckman, T Moore, P Aerts, G Aloisio, JC Andre, D Barkai, ...
The international journal of high performance computing applications 25 (1 …, 2011
Design and implementations of ninf: towards a global computing infrastructure
H Nakada, M Sato, S Sekiguchi
Future Generation Computer Systems 15 (5-6), 649-658, 1999
PM: An operating system coordinated high performance communication library
H Tezuka, A Hori, Y Ishikawa, M Sato
International Conference on High-Performance Computing and Networking, 708-717, 1997
Ninf: A network based information library for global world-wide computing infrastructure
M Sato, H Nakada, S Sekiguchi, S Matsuoka, U Nagashima, H Takagi
High-Performance Computing and Networking: International Conference and …, 1997
Design of OpenMP compiler for an SMP cluster
M Sato, S Satoh, K Kusano, Y Tanaka
Proc. of the 1st European Workshop on OpenMP, 32-39, 1999
Co-design for a64fx manycore processor and” fugaku”
M Sato, Y Ishikawa, H Tomita, Y Kodama, T Odajima, M Tsuji, H Yashiro, ...
SC20: International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking …, 2020
Profile-based optimization of power performance by using dynamic voltage scaling on a pc cluster
Y Hotta, M Sato, H Kimura, S Matsuoka, T Boku, D Takahashi
Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2006
D-cloud: Design of a software testing environment for reliable distributed systems using cloud computing technology
T Banzai, H Koizumi, R Kanbayashi, T Imada, T Hanawa, M Sato
2010 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2010
Extremely scalable spiking neuronal network simulation code: from laptops to exascale computers
J Jordan, T Ippen, M Helias, I Kitayama, M Sato, J Igarashi, M Diesmann, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 12, 317068, 2018
Emprical study on reducing energy of parallel programs using slack reclamation by dvfs in a power-scalable high performance cluster
H Kimura, M Sato, Y Hotta, T Boku, D Takahashi
2006 IEEE international conference on cluster computing, 1-10, 2006
OpenMP: parallel programming API for shared memory multiprocessors and on-chip multiprocessors
M Sato
Proceedings of the 15th international symposium on System Synthesis, 109-111, 2002
Thread-based programming for the EM-4 hybrid dataflow machine
M Sato, Y Kodama, S Sakai, Y Yamaguchi, Y Koumura
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 20 (2), 146-155, 1992
OmniRPC: a Grid RPC system for parallel programming in cluster and Grid environment
M Sato, T Boku, D Takahashi
CCGrid 2003. 3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and …, 2003
Implementation and performance evaluation of xcalablemp: A parallel programming language for distributed memory systems
J Lee, M Sato
2010 39th International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 413-420, 2010
Design and implementation of metalevel architecture in C++-MPC++ approach
Y Ishikawa, A Hori, M Sato, M Matsuda, J Nolte, H Tezuka, H Konaka, ...
Proceedings of Reflection 96, 153-166, 1996
The EM-X parallel computer: Architecture and basic performance
Y Kodama, H Sakane, M Sato, H Yamana, S Sakai, Y Yamaguchi
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 23 (2), 14-23, 1995
Pushing the frontier in the design of laser-based electron accelerators with groundbreaking mesh-refined particle-in-cell simulations on exascale-class supercomputers
L Fedeli, A Huebl, F Boillod-Cerneux, T Clark, K Gott, C Hillairet, S Jaure, ...
SC22: international conference for high performance computing, networking …, 2022
Performance evaluation of the omni openmp compiler
K Kusano, S Satoh, M Sato
High Performance Computing: Third International Symposium, ISHPC 2000 Tokyo …, 2000
Performance evaluation of OpenMP applications with nested parallelism
Y Tanaka, K Taura, M Sato, A Yonezawa
Languages, Compilers, and Run-Time Systems for Scalable Computers: 5th …, 2000
Large-scale software testing environment using cloud computing technology for dependable parallel and distributed systems
T Hanawa, T Banzai, H Koizumi, R Kanbayashi, T Imada, M Sato
2010 Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and …, 2010
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Articles 1–20