Alexandros Skandalis
Cited by
Cited by
Experiential marketing and the changing nature of extraordinary experiences in post-postmodern consumer culture
A Skandalis, J Byrom, E Banister
Journal of Business Research 97, 43-50, 2019
Paradox, tribalism, and the transitional consumption experience: In light of post-postmodernism
A Skandalis, J Byrom, E Banister
European Journal of Marketing 50 (7/8), 1308-1325, 2016
The spatial aspects of musical taste: conceptualising consumers' place-dependent identity investments
A Skandalis, E Banister, J Byrom
Marketing Theory 18 (2), 249–265, 2018
High-fidelity consumption and the claustropolitan structure of feeling
Q Hoang, J Cronin, A Skandalis
Marketing Theory 22 (1), 85-104, 2022
Consumption field driven entrepreneurship (CFDE) how does membership in the indie music field shape individuals’ entrepreneurial journey
A Daskalopoulou, A Skandalis
European Journal of Marketing 53 (1), 63-82, 2019
Spatial authenticity and extraordinary experiences: Music festivals and the everyday nature of tourism destinations
A Skandalis, E Banister, J Byrom
Journal of Travel Research 63 (2), 357-370, 2024
Marketplace orchestration of taste: insights from the Bridgewater Hall
A Skandalis, E Banister, J Byrom
Journal of Marketing Management 32 (9-10), 926-943, 2016
Spatial taste formation as a place marketing tool: the case of live music consumption
A Skandalis, J Byrom, E Banister
Journal of Place Management and Development 10 (5), 497-503, 2017
Touch and contact during COVID‐19: Insights from queer digital spaces
M Cheded, A Skandalis
Gender, Work & Organization, 2021
Futureless vicissitudes: Gestural anti-consumption and the reflexively impotent (anti-) consumer
Q Hoang, J Cronin, A Skandalis
Marketing Theory 23 (4), 585-606, 2023
Transitional space and new forms of value co-creation in online brand communities
A Skandalis
Journal of Business Research, 2022
Plastic: a passengerial marketplace icon
J Cronin, C Hadley, A Skandalis
Consumption Markets & Culture, 2022
Affective engineering: towards a consumer culture theory approach to kansei engineering
A Skandalis, S Papantonopoulos, D Koulouriotis
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and …, 2011
Musical taste and the creation of place-dependent capital: Manchester and the indie music field
A Skandalis, E Banister, J Byrom
Sociology 54 (1), 124-141, 2020
Transforming technology-mediated health-care services through strategic sense-giving
A Daskalopoulou, J Go Jefferies, A Skandalis
Journal of Services Marketing 34 (7), 909-920, 2020
Toward a spatial theory of taste formation
A Skandalis, E Banister, J Byrom
Advances in Consumer Research, 2015
Brand scouting: Co-creation of value in the Football Manager community
A Skandalis, J Byrom, E Banister
Advances in Consumer Research, 2015
Virtual reality has been boosted by coronavirus–here’s how to avoid it leading us to dystopia
A Skandalis
The Conversation 50 (100), 500, 2020
Live venues are the lifeblood of music culture and must survive
A Skandalis
The Conversation 25, 2020
Reaching the limits of reform: medical education and the Hellenic academic institutions facing the euro-crisis
J Botis, G Chatzilymperis, K Kalafatakis, N Skandali, A Skandalis, ...
Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine 6 (1), 278-279, 2015
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Articles 1–20