Vikram Gadre
Vikram Gadre
Professor, Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay
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Modeling of surface roughness in precision machining of metal matrix composites using ANN
AC Basheer, UA Dabade, SS Joshi, VV Bhanuprasad, VM Gadre
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 197 (1-3), 439-444, 2008
An uncertainty principle for real signals in the fractional Fourier transform domain
S Shinde, VM Gadre
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 49 (11), 2545-2548, 2002
Time–frequency localized three-band biorthogonal wavelet filter bank using semidefinite relaxation and nonlinear least squares with epileptic seizure EEG signal classification
D Bhati, M Sharma, RB Pachori, VM Gadre
Digital Signal Processing 62, 259-273, 2017
Visible and NIR image fusion using weight-map-guided Laplacian–Gaussian pyramid for improving scene visibility
AV Vanmali, VM Gadre
Sādhanā 42, 1063-1082, 2017
Multifractal based network traffic modeling
V Gadre, UB Desai
Springer Science & Business Media, 2003
Application of data fusion for automated detection of children with developmental and mental disorders: A systematic review of the last decade
SK Khare, S March, PD Barua, VM Gadre, UR Acharya
Information Fusion, 101898, 2023
On the design of FIR wavelet filter banks using factorization of a halfband polynomial
BD Patil, PG Patwardhan, VM Gadre
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 15, 485-488, 2008
Wavelets and fractals in earth system sciences
E Chandrasekhar, VP Dimri, VM Gadre
Taylor & Francis, 2013
Optimal duration-bandwidth localized antisymmetric biorthogonal wavelet filters
M Sharma, A Dhere, RB Pachori, VM Gadre
Signal Processing 134, 87-99, 2017
A parametrization technique to design joint time–frequency optimized discrete-time biorthogonal wavelet bases
M Sharma, PV Achuth, RB Pachori, VM Gadre
Signal Processing 135, 107-120, 2017
A novel approach for time–frequency localization of scaling functions and design of three-band biorthogonal linear phase wavelet filter banks
D Bhati, RB Pachori, VM Gadre
Digital Signal Processing 69, 309-322, 2017
An eigenfilter-based approach to the design of time-frequency localization optimized two-channel linear phase biorthogonal filter banks
M Sharma, VM Gadre, S Porwal
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 34, 931-959, 2015
A comparative study of wavelet-based ANN and classical techniques for geophysical time-series forecasting
S Bhardwaj, E Chandrasekhar, P Padiyar, VM Gadre
Computers & Geosciences 138, 104461, 2020
Design of time–frequency localized filter banks: transforming non-convex problem into convex via semidefinite relaxation technique
M Sharma, D Bhati, S Pillai, RB Pachori, VM Gadre
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 35, 3716-3733, 2016
Design of time–frequency optimal three-band wavelet filter banks with unit sobolev regularity using frequency domain sampling
D Bhati, M Sharma, RB Pachori, SS Nair, VM Gadre
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 35, 4501-4531, 2016
Time-frequency localization optimized biorthogonal wavelets
M Sharma, R Kolte, P Patwardhan, V Gadre
2010 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM …, 2010
Towards smartphone-based touchless fingerprint recognition
P Birajadar, M Haria, P Kulkarni, S Gupta, P Joshi, B Singh, V Gadre
Sādhanā 44, 1-15, 2019
Eigenfilter approach to the design of one-dimensional and multidimensional two-channel linear-phase FIR perfect reconstruction filter banks
BD Patil, PG Patwardhan, VM Gadre
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 55 (11), 3542-3551, 2008
Double density dual-tree complex wavelet transform-based features for automated screening of knee-joint vibroarthrographic signals
M Sharma, P Sharma, RB Pachori, V M. Gadre
Machine intelligence and signal analysis, 279-290, 2018
Information hiding using fractal encoding
K Gulati, VM Gadre
MTech Thesis, IIT, Bombay, India, 2003
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Articles 1–20