Survey on routing protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks based on multimetrics C Tripp-Barba, A Zaldívar-Colado, L Urquiza-Aguiar, JA Aguilar-Calderón Electronics 8 (10), 1177, 2019 | 84 | 2019 |
A multimetric, map-aware routing protocol for VANETs in urban areas C Tripp-Barba, L Urquiza-Aguiar, MA Igartua, D Rebollo-Monedero, ... Sensors 14 (2), 2199-2224, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
A requirements engineering techniques review in agile software development methods L Zamudio, JA Aguilar, C Tripp, S Misra Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2017: 17th International …, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
An MDA Approach for Goal-oriented Requirement Analysis in Web Engineering. JA Aguilar, I Garrigós, JN Mazón, J Trujillo J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 16 (17), 2475-2494, 2010 | 44 | 2010 |
Web Engineering Approaches for Requirement Analysis-A Systematic Literature Review. JA Aguilar, I Garrigós, JN Mazón, J Trujillo WEBIST (1), 187-190, 2010 | 34 | 2010 |
Using mobile technologies to support learning in computer science students A Zaldivar, C Tripp, JA Aguilar, JE Tovar, CE Anguiano IEEE Latin America Transactions 13 (1), 377-382, 2015 | 30 | 2015 |
Evaluating different i*-based approaches for selecting functional requirements while balancing and optimizing non-functional requirements: A controlled experiment J Zubcoff, I Garrigós, S Casteleyn, JN Mazón, JA Aguilar, ... Information and Software Technology 106, 68-84, 2019 | 28 | 2019 |
An analysis of techniques and tools for requirements elicitation in model-driven web engineering methods JA Aguilar, A Zaldívar-Colado, C Tripp-Barba, S Misra, R Bernal, ... Computational Science and Its Applications--ICCSA 2015: 15th International …, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
A goal-oriented approach for optimizing non-functional requirements in web applications JA Aguilar, I Garrigós, JN Mazón Advances in Conceptual Modeling. Recent Developments and New Directions: ER …, 2011 | 18 | 2011 |
Requirements engineering for internet of things (loT) software systems development: a systematic mapping study JA Aguilar-Calderon, C Tripp-Barba, A Zaldivar-Colado, ... Applied Sciences 12 (15), 7582, 2022 | 16 | 2022 |
Comparison of propagation and packet error models in vehicular networks performance C Tripp-Barba, L Urquiza-Aguiar, A Zaldívar-Colado, J Estrada-Jiménez, ... Vehicular Communications 12, 1-13, 2018 | 15 | 2018 |
A survey about the impact of requirements engineering practice in small-sized software factories in Sinaloa, Mexico JA Aguilar, A Zaldívar-Colado, C Tripp-Barba, R Espinosa, S Misra, ... Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2018: 18th International …, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
Management of traffic lights for emergency services A Zaldívar-Colado, C Tripp-Barba, JA Brito-Rojas, JA Aguilar-Calderón, ... Tehnički vjesnik 24 (2), 643-648, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
A mobile-sensor fire prevention system based on the internet of things JC Rosas, JA Aguilar, C Tripp-Barba, R Espinosa, P Aguilar Computational Science and Its Applications–ICCSA 2017: 17th International …, 2017 | 11 | 2017 |
Impact of packet error modeling in VANET simulations C Tripp-Barba, L Urquiza-Aguiar, J Estrada, JA Aguilar-Calderón, ... 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Adaptive Science & Technology …, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
WebREd: a model-driven tool for web requirements specification and optimization JA Aguilar Calderon, I Garrigós, S Casteleyn, JN Mazón Web Engineering: 12th International Conference, ICWE 2012, Berlin, Germany …, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
Requirements Engineering in the Development Process of Web Systems: A Systematic Literature Review JA Aguilar Calderón, I Garrigós, JN Mazón Óbuda University, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Modelos de weaving para trazabilidad de requisitos web en a-ooh JA Aguilar, I Garrigós, JN Mazón Actas del VII Taller sobre Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos …, 2010 | 10 | 2010 |
A Pearson correlation analysis of the SoftwareEngineering practice in micro and small-SizedSoftware industry of sinaloa, Mexico JA Aguilar-Calderón, A Zaldívar-Colado, C Tripp-Barba, R Espinoza-Oliva, ... IEEE Latin America Transactions 17 (02), 210-218, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Impact analysis of goal-oriented requirements in web engineering JA Aguilar, I Garrigós, JN Mazón Computational Science and Its Applications-ICCSA 2011: International …, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |