Melissa Bateson
Cited by
Cited by
Measuring behaviour: an introductory guide
M Bateson, P Martin
Cambridge university press, 2021
Cues of being watched enhance cooperation in a real-world setting
M Bateson, D Nettle, G Roberts
Biology letters 2 (3), 412-414, 2006
Risky theories—the effects of variance on foraging decisions
A Kacelnik, M Bateson
American zoologist 36 (4), 402-434, 1996
Effects of eye images on everyday cooperative behavior: a field experiment
M Ernest-Jones, D Nettle, M Bateson
Evolution and Human Behavior 32 (3), 172-178, 2011
Agitated honeybees exhibit pessimistic cognitive biases
M Bateson, S Desire, SE Gartside, GA Wright
Current biology 21 (12), 1070-1073, 2011
Anxiety: an evolutionary approach
M Bateson, B Brilot, D Nettle
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 56 (12), 707-715, 2011
The evolutionary origins of mood and its disorders
D Nettle, M Bateson
Current Biology 22 (17), R712-R721, 2012
Environmental enrichment induces optimistic cognitive biases in pigs
C Douglas, M Bateson, C Walsh, A Bédué, SA Edwards
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 139 (1-2), 65-73, 2012
Adaptive developmental plasticity: what is it, how can we recognize it and when can it evolve?
D Nettle, M Bateson
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1812), 20151005, 2015
Food insecurity as a driver of obesity in humans: The insurance hypothesis
D Nettle, C Andrews, M Bateson
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40, e105, 2017
The watching eyes effect in the Dictator Game: it's not how much you give, it's being seen to give something
D Nettle, Z Harper, A Kidson, R Stone, IS Penton-Voak, M Bateson
Evolution and Human Behavior 34 (1), 35-40, 2013
Comparative evaluation and its implications for mate choice
M Bateson, SD Healy
Trends in ecology & evolution 20 (12), 659-664, 2005
Larger, enriched cages are associated with ‘optimistic’response biases in captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
SM Matheson, L Asher, M Bateson
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 109 (2-4), 374-383, 2008
Do marine mammals experience stress related to anthropogenic noise?
AJ Wright, NA Soto, AL Baldwin, M Bateson, CM Beale, C Clark, T Deak, ...
International Journal of Comparative Psychology 20 (2), 2007
Risk-sensitivity: crossroads for theories of decision-making
A Kacelnik, M Bateson
Trends in cognitive sciences 1 (8), 304-309, 1997
Do images of ‘watching eyes’ induce behaviour that is more pro-social or more normative? A field experiment on littering
M Bateson, L Callow, JR Holmes, ML Redmond Roche, D Nettle
PloS one 8 (12), e82055, 2013
Performance on a categorisation task suggests that removal of environmental enrichment induces ‘pessimism’in captive European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
M Bateson, SM Matheson
Animal Welfare 16 (S1), 33-36, 2007
‘Cycle thieves, we are watching you’: Impact of a simple signage intervention against bicycle theft
D Nettle, K Nott, M Bateson
PloS one 7 (12), e51738, 2012
Environmental enrichment induces optimistic cognitive bias in rats
NM Brydges, M Leach, K Nicol, R Wright, M Bateson
Animal Behaviour 81 (1), 169-175, 2011
Anthropogenic noise as a stressor in animals: a multidisciplinary perspective
AJ Wright, NA Soto, AL Baldwin, M Bateson, CM Beale, C Clark, T Deak, ...
International Journal of Comparative Psychology 20 (2), 2007
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