Felipe Espinosa Zapata
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Cited by
UAV attitude estimation using unscented Kalman filter and TRIAD
HG De Marina, FJ Pereda, JM Giron-Sierra, F Espinosa
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (11), 4465-4474, 2011
Design of a back-to-back NPC converter interface for wind turbines with squirrel-cage induction generator
EJ Bueno, S Cobreces, FJ RodrÍguez, A Hernandez, F Espinosa
IEEE Transactions on Energy conversion 23 (3), 932-945, 2008
Infrared sensor system for mobile-robot positioning in intelligent spaces
EM Gorostiza, JL Lázaro Galilea, FJ Meca Meca, D Salido Monzú, ...
Sensors 11 (5), 5416-5438, 2011
Manejo eficiente de la fertilización nitrogenada de cultivos anuales en América Latina y el Caribe
S Urquiaga, F Zapata
Gênesis, 2000
Comparing the performance of indoor localization systems through the EvAAL framework
F Potortì, S Park, AR Jimenez Ruiz, P Barsocchi, M Girolami, A Crivello, ...
Sensors 17 (10), 2327, 2017
Eficiencia de abonos verdes (crotalaria y mucuna) y urea, aplicados solos o juntamente, como fuentes de N para el cultivo de arroz
T Muraoka, EJ Ambrosano, F Zapata, N Bortoletto, ALM Martins, ...
Terra Latinoamericana 20 (1), 17-23, 2002
Current control of voltage source converters connected to the grid through an LCL-filter
EJ Bueno, F Espinosa, FJ Rodriguez, J Urefia, S Cobreces
2004 IEEE 35th Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2004
Adaptive UAV attitude estimation employing unscented Kalman filter, FOAM and low-cost MEMS sensors
HG De Marina, F Espinosa, C Santos
Sensors 12 (7), 9566-9585, 2012
SPLL design to flux oriented of a VSC interface for wind power applications
EJ Bueno, FJ Rodriguez, F Espinosa, S Cobreces
31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON …, 2005
Effect of event-based sensing on IoT node power efficiency. Case study: Air quality monitoring in smart cities
C Santos, JA Jimenez, F Espinosa
IEEE Access 7, 132577-132586, 2019
Influence of driving style on fuel consumption and emissions in diesel-powered passenger car
NE Fonseca Gonzalez, J Casanova Kindelán, F Espinosa Zapata
Minas, 2010
Odometry and laser scanner fusion based on a discrete extended Kalman filter for robotic platooning guidance
F Espinosa, C Santos, M Marrón-Romera, D Pizarro, F Valdés, J Dongil
Sensors 11 (9), 8339-8357, 2011
Optimización del comportamiento de un convertidor de tres niveles NPC conectado a la red eléctrica
EJB Pena
Universidad de Alcalá, 2005
Experiences in assisted mobility: the SIAMO project
M Mazo, JC Garcia, FJ Rodriguez, J Urena, JL Lazaro, F Espinosa
Proceedings of the International Conference on Control Applications 2, 766-771, 2002
Efficient smart CMOS camera based on FPGAs oriented to embedded image processing
I Bravo, J Baliñas, A Gardel, JL Lázaro, F Espinosa, J García
Sensors 11 (3), 2282-2303, 2011
Modulation techniques comparison for three levels VSI converters
EJ Bueno, R García, M Marrón, J Urena, F Espinosa
IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the Industrial Electronics Society …, 2002
Integral system for assisted mobility
M Mazo, JC Garcı́a, FJ Rodrı́guez, J Ureña, JL Lázaro, F Espinosa
Information sciences 129 (1-4), 1-15, 2000
Calculation of the DC-bus Capacitors of the Back-to-back NPC Converters
EJ Bueno, S Cobreces, FJ Rodriguez, F Espinosa, M Alonso, R Alcaraz
2006 12th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 137-142, 2006
Teaching equipment for training in the control of DC, brushless, and stepper servomotors
M Mazo, J Urena, FJ Rodriguez, JJ Garcia, JL Lázaro, E Santiso, ...
IEEE Transactions on Education 41 (2), 146-158, 1998
Control electronic platform based on floating-point DSP and FPGA for a NPC multilevel back-to-back converter
FJ Rodriguez, S Cobreces, EJ Bueno, A Hernandez, R Mateos, ...
Electric Power Systems Research 78 (9), 1597-1609, 2008
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Articles 1–20