Ching-Wei Chen
Cited by
Cited by
Current challenges and visions in music recommender systems research
M Schedl, H Zamani, CW Chen, Y Deldjoo, M Elahi
International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval 7, 95-116, 2018
Methods and apparatus for determining a mood profile associated with media data
CW Chen, K Lee, PC DiMaria, MK Cremer
US Patent 8,805,854, 2014
Recsys challenge 2018: Automatic music playlist continuation
CW Chen, P Lamere, M Schedl, H Zamani
Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 527-528, 2018
User interface to media files
PC DiMaria, CW Chen, V Brenner
US Patent 8,855,798, 2014
Systems, methods, and apparatus for generating an audio-visual presentation using characteristics of audio, visual and symbolic media objects
MK Cremer, CW Chen, PC DiMaria, HH Wu
US Patent 9,213,747, 2015
Systems, methods, and apparatus for generating an audio-visual presentation using characteristics of audio, visual and symbolic media objects
MK Cremer, CW Chen, PC DiMaria, HH Wu
US Patent 8,996,538, 2015
Probabilistic motion parameter models for human activity recognition
X Sun, CW Chen, BS Manjunath
2002 International Conference on Pattern Recognition 1, 443-446, 2002
An analysis of approaches taken in the acm recsys challenge 2018 for automatic music playlist continuation
H Zamani, M Schedl, P Lamere, CW Chen
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 10 (5), 1-21, 2019
Apparatus and method for determining a prominent tempo of an audio work
CW Chen, K Lee, PC DiMaria, MK Cremer
US Patent 8,071,869, 2011
VRAPS: Visual Rhythm-Based Audio Playback System
TP Chen, CW Chen, P Popp, B Coover
2010 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 721-722, 2010
Methods and apparatus for determining a mood profile associated with media data
CW Chen, K Lee, PC DiMaria, MK Cremer
US Patent 9,842,146, 2017
Current Challenges and Future Directions in Podcast Information Access
R Jones, H Zamani, M Schedl, CW Chen, S Reddy, A Clifton, J Karlgren, ...
44th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in …, 2021
Improving melody extraction using probabilistic latent component analysis
J Han, CW Chen
2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2011
User profile based on clustering tiered descriptors
P Popp, CW Chen, PC DiMaria, MK Cremer
US Patent 10,140,372, 2018
Large-scale user modeling with recurrent neural networks for music discovery on multiple time scales
C De Boom, R Agrawal, S Hansen, E Kumar, R Yon, CW Chen, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 15385-15407, 2018
Improving perceived tempo estimation by statistical modeling of higher-level musical descriptors
CW Chen, M Cremer, K Lee, P DiMaria, HH Wu
Audio Engineering Society Convention 126, 2009
Content identification in consumer applications
CW Chen, R Cook, M Cremer, P DiMaria
2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 1536-1539, 2009
User interface to media files
PC DiMaria, CW Chen, V Brenner
US Patent 9,891,796, 2018
Methods and apparatus for determining a mood profile associated with media data
CW Chen, K Lee, PC DiMaria, MK Cremer
US Patent 10,558,674, 2020
Recsys challenge 2018: Automatic playlist continuation
M Schedl, H Zamani, CW Chen, Y Deldjoo, M Elahi
Proceedings of the Late-Breaking/Demos 18th International Society for Music …, 2017
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Articles 1–20