Joost Vervoort
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Cited by
Exploring the governance and politics of transformations towards sustainability
J Patterson, K Schulz, J Vervoort, S Van Der Hel, O Widerberg, C Adler, ...
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 24, 1-16, 2017
Bright spots: seeds of a good Anthropocene
EM Bennett, M Solan, R Biggs, T McPhearson, AV Norström, P Olsson, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 14 (8), 441-448, 2016
Innovation can accelerate the transition towards a sustainable food system
M Herrero, PK Thornton, D Mason-D’Croz, J Palmer, TG Benton, ...
Nature Food 1 (5), 266-272, 2020
Addressing uncertainty in adaptation planning for agriculture
SJ Vermeulen, AJ Challinor, PK Thornton, BM Campbell, N Eriyagama, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (21), 8357-8362, 2013
Challenges to scenario-guided adaptive action on food security under climate change
JM Vervoort, PK Thornton, P Kristjanson, W Förch, PJ Ericksen, K Kok, ...
Global Environmental Change 28, 383-394, 2014
Articulating the effect of food systems innovation on the Sustainable Development Goals
M Herrero, PK Thornton, D Mason-D'Croz, J Palmer, BL Bodirsky, ...
The Lancet Planetary Health 5 (1), e50-e62, 2021
New directions in earth system governance research
S Burch, A Gupta, CYA Inoue, A Kalfagianni, Å Persson, AK Gerlak, A Ishii, ...
Earth system governance 1, 100006, 2019
Scenarios and the art of worldmaking
JM Vervoort, R Bendor, A Kelliher, O Strik, AER Helfgott
Futures 74, 62-70, 2015
Sustainable agrifood systems for a post-growth world
SR McGreevy, CDD Rupprecht, D Niles, A Wiek, M Carolan, G Kallis, ...
Nature sustainability 5 (12), 1011-1017, 2022
Linking regional stakeholder scenarios and shared socioeconomic pathways: Quantified West African food and climate futures in a global context
A Palazzo, JM Vervoort, D Mason-D’Croz, L Rutting, P Havlík, S Islam, ...
Global Environmental Change 45, 227-242, 2017
Exploring future changes in smallholder farming systems by linking socio-economic scenarios with regional and household models
M Herrero, PK Thornton, A Bernués, I Baltenweck, J Vervoort, ...
Global Environmental Change 24, 165-182, 2014
Transformative spaces in the making: key lessons from nine cases in the Global South
L Pereira, N Frantzeskaki, A Hebinck, L Charli-Joseph, S Drimie, M Dyer, ...
Sustainability Science 15, 161-178, 2020
Anticipating climate futures in a 1.5 C era: the link between foresight and governance
J Vervoort, A Gupta
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 31, 104-111, 2018
Four approaches to anticipatory climate governance: Different conceptions of the future and implications for the present
K Muiderman, A Gupta, J Vervoort, F Biermann
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 11 (6), e673, 2020
Development of organic farming in Europe at the crossroads: Looking for the way forward through system archetypes lenses
N Brzezina, K Biely, A Helfgott, B Kopainsky, J Vervoort, E Mathijs
Sustainability 9 (5), 821, 2017
Participatory scenarios as a tool to link science and policy on food security under climate change in East Africa
M Chaudhury, J Vervoort, P Kristjanson, P Ericksen, A Ainslie
Regional Environmental Change 13, 389-398, 2013
Scenario development and foresight analysis: exploring options to inform choices
K Wiebe, M Zurek, S Lord, N Brzezina, G Gabrielyan, J Libertini, A Loch, ...
Annual Review of Environment and Resources 43 (1), 545-570, 2018
Imagining transformative futures: participatory foresight for food systems change
A Hebinck, JM Vervoort, P Hebinck, L Rutting, F Galli
Ecology & Society 23 (2), 2018
How does climate change alter agricultural strategies to support food security?
PK Thornton, L Lipper
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2014
Stepping into futures: exploring the potential of interactive media for participatory scenarios on social-ecological systems
JM Vervoort, K Kok, R van Lammeren, T Veldkamp
Futures 42 (6), 604-616, 2010
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Articles 1–20