Angelos Vourlidas
Angelos Vourlidas
Astrophysicist, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
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Sun Earth connection coronal and heliospheric investigation (SECCHI)
RA Howard, JD Moses, A Vourlidas, JS Newmark, DG Socker, ...
Space Science Reviews 136, 67-115, 2008
The soho/lasco cme catalog
N Gopalswamy, S Yashiro, G Michalek, G Stenborg, A Vourlidas, ...
Earth, Moon, and Planets 104, 295-313, 2009
Forward modeling of coronal mass ejections using STEREO/SECCHI data
A Thernisien, A Vourlidas, RA Howard
Solar Physics 256, 111-130, 2009
Modeling of flux rope coronal mass ejections
AFR Thernisien, RA Howard, A Vourlidas
The Astrophysical Journal 652 (1), 763, 2006
Global energetics of thirty-eight large solar eruptive events
AG Emslie, BR Dennis, AY Shih, PC Chamberlin, RA Mewaldt, CS Moore, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 759 (1), 71, 2012
How many CMEs have flux ropes? Deciphering the signatures of shocks, flux ropes, and prominences in coronagraph observations of CMEs
A Vourlidas, BJ Lynch, RA Howard, Y Li
Solar Physics 284, 179-201, 2013
A study of the kinematic evolution of coronal mass ejections
J Zhang, KP Dere, RA Howard, A Vourlidas
The Astrophysical Journal 604 (1), 420, 2004
Energy partition in two solar flare/CME events
AG Emslie, H Kucharek, BR Dennis, N Gopalswamy, GD Holman, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 109 (A10), 2004
Large-angle spectrometric coronagraph measurements of the energetics of coronal mass ejections
A Vourlidas, P Subramanian, KP Dere, RA Howard
The Astrophysical Journal 534 (1), 456, 2000
Solar phenomena associated with “EIT waves”
DA Biesecker, DC Myers, BJ Thompson, DM Hammer, A Vourlidas
The Astrophysical Journal 569 (2), 1009, 2002
Coronal mass ejections and other extreme characteristics of the 2003 October–November solar eruptions
N Gopalswamy, S Yashiro, Y Liu, G Michalek, A Vourlidas, ML Kaiser, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110 (A9), 2005
Comprehensive analysis of coronal mass ejection mass and energy properties over a full solar cycle
A Vourlidas, RA Howard, E Esfandiari, S Patsourakos, S Yashiro, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 722 (2), 1522, 2010
Direct detection of a coronal mass ejection-associated shock in large angle and spectrometric coronagraph experiment white-light images
A Vourlidas, ST Wu, AH Wang, P Subramanian, RA Howard
The Astrophysical Journal 598 (2), 1392, 2003
The coronal mass ejection of 1998 April 20: direct imaging at radio wavelengths
TS Bastian, M Pick, A Kerdraon, D Maia, A Vourlidas
The Astrophysical Journal 558 (1), L65, 2001
No trace left behind: STEREO observation of a coronal mass ejection without low coronal signatures
E Robbrecht, S Patsourakos, A Vourlidas
The Astrophysical Journal 701 (1), 283, 2009
The proper treatment of coronal mass ejection brightness: A new methodology and implications for observations
A Vourlidas, RA Howard
The Astrophysical Journal 642 (2), 1216, 2006
The wide-field imager for Solar Probe Plus (WISPR)
A Vourlidas, RA Howard, SP Plunkett, CM Korendyke, AFR Thernisien, ...
Space Science Reviews 204, 83-130, 2016
Direct evidence for a fast coronal mass ejection driven by the prior formation and subsequent destabilization of a magnetic flux rope
S Patsourakos, A Vourlidas, G Stenborg
The Astrophysical Journal 764 (2), 125, 2013
Quantitative measurements of coronal mass ejection-driven shocks from LASCO observations
V Ontiveros, A Vourlidas
The Astrophysical Journal 693 (1), 267, 2009
Metis: the Solar Orbiter visible light and ultraviolet coronal imager
E Antonucci, M Romoli, V Andretta, S Fineschi, P Heinzel, JD Moses, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 642, A10, 2020
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Articles 1–20