Ran Blekhman
Ran Blekhman
Associate Professor, University of Chicago
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Human genetics shape the gut microbiome
JK Goodrich, JL Waters, AC Poole, JL Sutter, O Koren, R Blekhman, ...
Cell 159 (4), 789-799, 2014
Host genetic variation impacts microbiome composition across human body sites
R Blekhman, JK Goodrich, K Huang, Q Sun, R Bukowski, JT Bell, ...
Genome biology 16, 1-12, 2015
Social networks predict gut microbiome composition in wild baboons
J Tung, LB Barreiro, MB Burns, JC Grenier, J Lynch, LE Grieneisen, ...
elife 4, e05224, 2015
Genetic ancestry and natural selection drive population differences in immune responses to pathogens
Y Nédélec, J Sanz, G Baharian, ZA Szpiech, A Pacis, A Dumaine, ...
Cell 167 (3), 657-669. e21, 2016
BugBase predicts organism-level microbiome phenotypes
T Ward, J Larson, J Meulemans, B Hillmann, J Lynch, D Sidiropoulos, ...
BioRxiv, 133462, 2017
Longitudinal multi-omics reveals subset-specific mechanisms underlying irritable bowel syndrome
RAT Mars, Y Yang, T Ward, M Houtti, S Priya, HR Lekatz, X Tang, Z Sun, ...
Cell 182 (6), 1460-1473. e17, 2020
Sex-specific and lineage-specific alternative splicing in primates
R Blekhman, JC Marioni, P Zumbo, M Stephens, Y Gilad
Genome research 20 (2), 180-189, 2010
Gut microbiota diversity across ethnicities in the United States
AW Brooks, S Priya, R Blekhman, SR Bordenstein
PLoS biology 16 (12), e2006842, 2018
Gut microbiome of coexisting BaAka pygmies and bantu reflects gradients of traditional subsistence patterns
A Gomez, KJ Petrzelkova, MB Burns, CJ Yeoman, KR Amato, K Vlckova, ...
Cell reports 14 (9), 2142-2153, 2016
A global metagenomic map of urban microbiomes and antimicrobial resistance
D Danko, D Bezdan, EE Afshin, S Ahsanuddin, C Bhattacharya, DJ Butler, ...
Cell 184 (13), 3376-3393. e17, 2021
Natural selection on genes that underlie human disease susceptibility
R Blekhman, O Man, L Herrmann, AR Boyko, A Indap, C Kosiol, ...
Current biology 18 (12), 883-889, 2008
Variation in Rural African Gut Microbiota Is Strongly Correlated with Colonization by Entamoeba and Subsistence
ER Morton, J Lynch, A Froment, S Lafosse, E Heyer, M Przeworski, ...
PLoS genetics 11 (11), e1005658, 2015
Virulence genes are a signature of the microbiome in the colorectal tumor microenvironment
MB Burns, J Lynch, TK Starr, D Knights, R Blekhman
Genome medicine 7, 1-12, 2015
Tracking the popularity and outcomes of all bioRxiv preprints
RJ Abdill, R Blekhman
Elife 8, e45133, 2019
Gene regulation in primates evolves under tissue-specific selection pressures
R Blekhman, A Oshlack, AE Chabot, GK Smyth, Y Gilad
PLoS genetics 4 (11), e1000271, 2008
Megaphages infect Prevotella and variants are widespread in gut microbiomes
AE Devoto, JM Santini, MR Olm, K Anantharaman, P Munk, J Tung, ...
Nature microbiology 4 (4), 693-700, 2019
Gut microbiome heritability is nearly universal but environmentally contingent
L Grieneisen, M Dasari, TJ Gould, JR Björk, JC Grenier, V Yotova, ...
Science 373 (6551), 181-186, 2021
The gut microbiome of nonhuman primates: lessons in ecology and evolution
JB Clayton, A Gomez, K Amato, D Knights, DA Travis, R Blekhman, ...
American journal of primatology 80 (6), e22867, 2018
Temporal variation selects for diet–microbe co-metabolic traits in the gut of Gorilla spp
A Gomez, JM Rothman, K Petrzelkova, CJ Yeoman, K Vlckova, JD Umaña, ...
The ISME journal 10 (2), 514-526, 2016
Genes, geology and germs: gut microbiota across a primate hybrid zone are explained by site soil properties, not host species
LE Grieneisen, MJE Charpentier, SC Alberts, R Blekhman, G Bradburd, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1901), 20190431, 2019
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Articles 1–20