Sang-Bum Kim
Sang-Bum Kim
Director of Search R&D, Naver Corporation
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Some effective techniques for naive bayes text classification
SB Kim, KS Han, HC Rim, SH Myaeng
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 18 (11), 1457-1466, 2006
Effective methods for improving naive bayes text classifiers
SB Kim, HC Rim, D Yook, HS Lim
PRICAI 2002: Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 479-484, 2002
Information retrieval using word senses: root sense tagging approach
SB Kim, HC Seo, HC Rim
Proceedings of the 27th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2004
Bridging lexical gaps between queries and questions on large online Q&A collections with compact translation models
JT Lee, SB Kim, YI Song, HC Rim
Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2008
Poisson naive Bayes for text classification with feature weighting
SB Kim, HC Seo, HC Rim
Proceedings of the sixth international workshop on Information retrieval …, 2003
Improving query translation in English–Korean cross-language information retrieval
HC Seo, SB Kim, HC Rim, SH Myaeng
Information processing & management 41 (3), 507-522, 2005
Korea University question answering system at TREC 2004
KS Han, H Chung, SB Kim, YI Song, JY Lee, HC Rim
Proceedings of TREC, 2004
Answer extraction and ranking strategies for definitional question answering using linguistic features and definition terminology
KS Han, YI Song, SB Kim, HC Rim
Information processing & management 43 (2), 353-364, 2007
Apparatus and method for decoding using joint tokenization and translation
YS Hwang, SB Kim, CH Yin, X Xiao, Y Liu, Q Liu, S Lin
US Patent 8,543,376, 2013
A new method of parameter estimation for multinomial naive Bayes text classifiers
SB Kim, HC Rim, HS Lim
Proceedings of the 25th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2002
A comparative study on optimal feature identification and combination for Korean dialogue act classification
MJ Kim, JH Park, SB Kim, HC Rim, DG Lee
Journal of KIISE: Software and Applications 35 (11), 681-691, 2008
Machine translation device and machine translation method in which a syntax conversion model and a word translation model are combined
YS Hwang, SB Kim, CH Yin, YS Lee, SW Lee, HC Rim
US Patent App. 13/883,758, 2011
Statistical machine translation method using dependency forest
YS Hwang, SB Kim, S Lin, Z Tu, Y Liu, Q Liu, CH Yin
US Patent App. 13/818,137, 2011
A novel retrieval approach reflecting variability of syntactic phrase representation
YI Song, KS Han, SB Kim, SY Park, HC Rim
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 31 (3), 265-286, 2008
KUNLP System for NTCIR-3 English-Korean Cross-Language Information Retrieval.
HC Seo, SB Kim, BI Kim, HC Rim, SZ Lee
NTCIR, 2002
A post-processing approach to statistical word alignment reflecting alignment tendency between part-of-speeches
JH Lee, SW Lee, G Hong, YS Hwang, SB Kim, HC Rim
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational …, 2010
Terminology Indexing and Reweighting methods for Biomedical Text Retrieval
YI Song, SB Kim, HC Rim
Proceedings of the SIGIR'04 Workshop on Search and Discovery in Bioinformatics, 2004
Method and device for filtering a translation rule and generating a target word in hierarchical-phase-based statistical machine translation
YS Hwang, SB Kim, CH Yin, Z Wang, Q Liu, Y Lv
US Patent App. 13/809,835, 2011
Identifying Idiomatic Expressions Using Phrase Alignments in Bilingual Parallel Corpus.
HG Lee, MJ Kim, G Hong, SB Kim, YS Hwang, HC Rim
PRICAI, 123-133, 2010
Topic document model approach for naive Bayes text classification
SB Kim, HC Rim, JD Kim
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 88 (5), 1091-1094, 2005
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Articles 1–20