Laura A. King
Laura A. King
Professor of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia
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The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success?
S Lyubomirsky, L King, E Diener
Psychological bulletin 131 (6), 803, 2005
Linguistic styles: language use as an individual difference.
JW Pennebaker, LA King
Journal of personality and social psychology 77 (6), 1296, 1999
Why positive psychology is necessary.
KM Sheldon, L King
American psychologist 56 (3), 216, 2001
Positive affect and the experience of meaning in life.
LA King, JA Hicks, JL Krull, AK Del Gaiso
Journal of personality and social psychology 90 (1), 179, 2006
Reconsidering happiness: The costs of distinguishing between hedonics and eudaimonia
TB Kashdan, R Biswas-Diener, LA King
The journal of positive psychology 3 (4), 219-233, 2008
Conflict over emotional expression: psychological and physical correlates.
LA King, RA Emmons
Journal of personality and social psychology 58 (5), 864, 1990
Psikologi umum: Sebuah pandangan apresiatif
LA King
Jakarta: salemba humanika, 2010
The health benefits of writing about life goals
LA King
Personality and social psychology bulletin 27 (7), 798-807, 2001
Conflict among personal strivings: immediate and long-term implications for psychological and physical well-being.
RA Emmons, LA King
Journal of personality and social psychology 54 (6), 1040, 1988
What makes a life good?
LA King, CK Napa
Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (1), 156, 1998
Creativity and the five-factor model
LA King, LMK Walker, SJ Broyles
Journal of research in personality 30 (2), 189-203, 1996
Life is pretty meaningful.
SJ Heintzelman, LA King
American psychologist 69 (6), 561, 2014
The health benefits of writing about intensely positive experiences
CM Burton, LA King
Journal of research in personality 38 (2), 150-163, 2004
Thine own self: true self-concept accessibility and meaning in life.
RJ Schlegel, JA Hicks, J Arndt, LA King
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (2), 473, 2009
Writing about the perceived benefits of traumatic events: Implications for physical health
LA King, KN Miner
Personality and social psychology bulletin 26 (2), 220-230, 2000
The science of meaning in life
LA King, JA Hicks
Annual review of psychology 72 (1), 561-584, 2021
Stories of life transition: Subjective well-being and ego development in parents of children with Down Syndrome
LA King, CK Scollon, C Ramsey, T Williams
Journal of Research in Personality 34 (4), 509-536, 2000
& Edition The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View
L King
Memory 3, 22, 2011
Feeling like you know who you are: Perceived true self-knowledge and meaning in life
RJ Schlegel, JA Hicks, LA King, J Arndt
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (6), 745-756, 2011
Two traditions of happiness research, not two distinct types of happiness
R Biswas-Diener, TB Kashdan, LA King
The Journal of Positive Psychology 4 (3), 208-211, 2009
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Articles 1–20