Christian Dormann
Christian Dormann
Professor of Business Education & Management, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany. Adjunct
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Longitudinal studies in organizational stress research: a review of the literature with reference to methodological issues.
D Zapf, C Dormann, M Frese
Journal of occupational health psychology 1 (2), 145, 1996
Customer-related social stressors and burnout.
C Dormann, D Zapf
Journal of occupational health psychology 9 (1), 61, 2004
Job satisfaction: A meta‐analysis of stabilities
C Dormann, D Zapf
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2001
Stressors, resources, and strain at work: a longitudinal test of the triple-match principle.
J De Jonge, C Dormann
Journal of applied psychology 91 (6), 1359, 2006
Optimal time lags in panel studies.
C Dormann, MA Griffin
Psychological methods 20 (4), 489, 2015
Psychosocial safety climate as a lead indicator of workplace bullying and harassment, job resources, psychological health and employee engagement
R Law, MF Dollard, MR Tuckey, C Dormann
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (5), 1782-1793, 2011
Testing reciprocal relationships between job characteristics and psychological well‐being: A cross‐lagged structural equation model
J De Jonge, C Dormann, PPM Janssen, MF Dollard, JA Landeweerd, ...
Journal of Occupational and organizational Psychology 74 (1), 29-46, 2001
Parental role models and the decision to become self-employed: The moderating effect of personality
S Chlosta, H Patzelt, SB Klein, C Dormann
Small Business Economics 38, 121-138, 2012
Social stressors at work, irritation, and depressive symptoms: Accounting for unmeasured third variables in a multi‐wave study
C Dormann, D Zapf
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 75 (1), 33-58, 2002
Social support, social stressors at work, and depressive symptoms: testing for main and moderating effects with structural equations in a three-wave longitudinal study.
C Dormann, D Zapf
Journal of Applied Psychology 84 (6), 874, 1999
The DISC model: Demand-induced strain compensation mechanisms in job stress
J De Jonge, C Dormann
Occupational stress in the service professions, 43-74, 2003
Not all days are created equal: The concept of state work engagement
S Sonnentag, C Dormann, E Demerouti
Work engagement: A handbook of essential theory and research, 25-38, 2010
Psychosocial safety climate: Conceptual distinctiveness and effect on job demands and worker psychological health
MA Idris, MF Dollard, J Coward, C Dormann
Safety science 50 (1), 19-28, 2012
The demand-control model: Specific demands, specific control, and well-defined groups
J De Jonge, MF Dollard, C Dormann, PM Le Blanc, ILD Houtman
International Journal of Stress Management 7 (4), 269-287, 2000
“Take a break?!” Off-job recovery, job demands, and job resources as predictors of health, active learning, and creativity
J de Jonge, E Spoor, S Sonnentag, C Dormann, M van den Tooren
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 21 (3), 321-348, 2012
Quantitative versus emotional demands among Swedish human service employees: moderating effects of job control and social support.
N Vegchel, J Jonge, M Söderfeldt, C Dormann, W Schaufeli
International Journal of Stress Management 11 (1), 21, 2004
Unique aspects of stress in human service work
MF Dollard, C Dormann, CM Boyd, HR Winefield, AH Winefield
Australian psychologist 38 (2), 84-91, 2003
Psychosocial safety climate moderates the job demand–resource interaction in predicting workgroup distress
MF Dollard, MR Tuckey, C Dormann
Accident Analysis & Prevention 45, 694-704, 2012
A state‐trait analysis of job satisfaction: on the effect of core self‐evaluations
C Dormann, D Fay, D Zapf, M Frese
Applied Psychology 55 (1), 27-51, 2006
Occupational stress in the service professions
M Dollard, HR Winefield, AH Winefield
CRC Press, 2003
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