Chiara Teresa Groppo
Chiara Teresa Groppo
Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Torino
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Partial melting in the Higher Himalayan Crystallines of Eastern Nepal: the effect of decompression and implications for the ‘Channel Flow’model
C Groppo, F Rolfo, A Indares
Journal of Petrology 53 (5), 1057-1088, 2012
Micro-Raman spectroscopy for a quick and reliable identification of serpentine minerals from ultramafics
C Groppo, C Rinaudo, S Cairo, D Gastaldi, R Compagnoni
European Journal of Mineralogy 18 (3), 319-329, 2006
Clockwise exhumation path of granulitized eclogites from the Ama Drime range (Eastern Himalayas)
C Groppo, B Lombardo, F Rolfo, P Pertusati
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 25 (1), 51-75, 2007
The P–T path of the ultra‐high pressure Lago Di Cignana and adjoining high‐pressure meta‐ophiolitic units: insights into the evolution of the subducting Tethyan slab
C Groppo, M Beltrando, R Compagnoni
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 27 (3), 207-231, 2009
Prograde P–T Evolution of a Lawsonite Eclogite from the Monviso Meta-ophiolite (Western Alps): Dehydration and Redox Reactions during Subduction of Oceanic …
C Groppo, D Castelli
Journal of Petrology 51 (12), 2489-2514, 2010
Early oligocene partial melting in the main central thrust zone (Arun valley, eastern Nepal Himalaya)
C Groppo, D Rubatto, F Rolfo, B Lombardo
Lithos 118 (3-4), 287-301, 2010
Microstructures of melt inclusions in anatectic metasedimentary rocks
S Ferrero, O Bartoli, B Cesare, E SALVIOLI‐MARIANI, A Acosta‐Vigil, ...
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 30 (3), 303-322, 2012
Coexistence of lawsonite‐bearing eclogite and blueschist: Phase equilibria modelling of Alpine Corsica metabasalts and petrological evolution of subducting slabs
AV Brovarone, C Groppo, G Hetényi, R Compagnoni, J Malavieille
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 29 (5), 583-600, 2011
Impure marbles from the UHP Brossasco‐Isasca Unit (Dora‐Maira Massif, western Alps): evidence for Alpine equilibration in the diamond stability field and evaluation of the X …
D Castelli, F Rolfo, C Groppo, R Compagnoni
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 25 (6), 587-603, 2007
PT Evolution across the Main Central Thrust Zone (Eastern Nepal): Hidden Discontinuities Revealed by Petrology
C Groppo, F Rolfo, B Lombardo
Journal of Petrology 50 (6), 1149-1180, 2009
Geochronological and petrological constraints on Palaeoproterozoic granulite facies metamorphism in southeastern margin of the North China Craton
YC LIU, AD WANG, F Rolfo, C Groppo, XF GU, B Song
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 27 (2), 125-138, 2009
Inherited ocean–continent transition zones in deeply subducted terranes: insights from Alpine Corsica
AV Brovarone, M Beltrando, J Malavieille, F Giuntoli, E Tondella, ...
Lithos 124 (3-4), 273-290, 2011
The cordierite‐bearing anatectic rocks of the higher Himalayan crystallines (eastern Nepal): low‐pressure anatexis, melt productivity, melt loss and the preservation of cordierite
C Groppo, F Rolfo, P Mosca
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 31 (2), 187-204, 2013
Application of Ti-in-zircon and Zr-in-rutile thermometers to constrain high-temperature metamorphism in eclogites from the Dabie orogen, central China
YC Liu, LP Deng, XF Gu, C Groppo, F Rolfo
Gondwana Research 27 (1), 410-423, 2015
PT evolution of elusive UHP eclogites from the Luotian dome (North Dabie Zone, China): How far can the thermodynamic modeling lead us?
C Groppo, F Rolfo, YC Liu, LP Deng, AD Wang
Lithos 226, 183-200, 2015
Metamorphic CO2 production from calc-silicate rocks via garnet-forming reactions in the CFAS–H2O–CO2 system
C Groppo, F Rolfo, D Castelli, JAD Connolly
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 166, 1655-1675, 2013
Composition and geochronology of the deep-seated xenoliths from the southeastern margin of the North China Craton
YC Liu, AD Wang, SG Li, F Rolfo, Y Li, C Groppo, XF Gu, ZH Hou
Gondwana Research 23 (3), 1021-1039, 2013
Metamorphic evolution of non‐equilibrated granulitized eclogite from Punta de li Tulchi (Variscan Sardinia) determined through texturally controlled thermodynamic modelling
G Cruciani, M Franceschelli, C Groppo, ME Spano
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 30 (7), 667-685, 2012
Glaucophane schists and associated rocks from Sifnos (Cyclades, Greece): New constraints on the P–T evolution from oxidized systems
C Groppo, M Forster, G Lister, R Compagnoni
Lithos 109 (3-4), 254-273, 2009
Formation of clinopyroxene+ spinel and amphibole+ spinel symplectites in coronitic gabbros from the Sierra de San Luis (Argentina): a key to post‐magmatic evolution
G Cruciani, M Franceschelli, C Groppo, N Brogioni, O Vaselli
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 26 (7), 759-774, 2008
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Articles 1–20