Liang He
Liang He
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Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of Alzheimer’s disease
H Mathys, J Davila-Velderrain, Z Peng, F Gao, S Mohammadi, JZ Young, ...
Nature 570 (7761), 332-337, 2019
Rare and low-frequency coding variants alter human adult height
E Marouli, M Graff, C Medina-Gomez, KS Lo, AR Wood, TR Kjaer, RS Fine, ...
Nature 542 (7640), 186-190, 2017
Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure in obesity
V Turcot, Y Lu, HM Highland, C Schurmann, AE Justice, RS Fine, ...
Nature genetics 50 (1), 26-41, 2018
APOE4 disrupts intracellular lipid homeostasis in human iPSC-derived glia
G Sienski, P Narayan, JM Bonner, N Kory, S Boland, AA Arczewska, ...
Science translational medicine 13 (583), eaaz4564, 2021
High-resolution genome-wide functional dissection of transcriptional regulatory regions and nucleotides in human
X Wang, L He, SM Goggin, A Saadat, L Wang, N Sinnott-Armstrong, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 5380, 2018
NEBULA is a fast negative binomial mixed model for differential or co-expression analysis of large-scale multi-subject single-cell data
L He, J Davila-Velderrain, TS Sumida, DA Hafler, M Kellis, AM Kulminski
Communications biology 4 (1), 629, 2021
Genome-wide association study on detailed profiles of smoking behavior and nicotine dependence in a twin sample
A Loukola, J Wedenoja, K Keskitalo-Vuokko, U Broms, T Korhonen, ...
Molecular psychiatry 19 (5), 615-624, 2014
The durations of past sickness absences predict future absence episodes
M Laaksonen, L He, J Pitkäniemi
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine 55 (1), 87-92, 2013
Discovery of high-confidence human protein-coding genes and exons by whole-genome PhyloCSF helps elucidate 118 GWAS loci
JM Mudge, I Jungreis, T Hunt, JM Gonzalez, JC Wright, M Kay, ...
Genome research 29 (12), 2073-2087, 2019
Pleiotropic meta-analyses of longitudinal studies discover novel genetic variants associated with age-related diseases
L He, Y Kernogitski, I Kulminskaya, Y Loika, KG Arbeev, E Loiko, ...
Frontiers in genetics 7, 179, 2016
Specific probiotics and virological findings in symptomatic conscripts attending military service in Finland
L Lehtoranta, K Kalima, L He, M Lappalainen, M Roivainen, M Närkiö, ...
Journal of Clinical Virology 60 (3), 276-281, 2014
Apolipoprotein E region molecular signatures of Alzheimer's disease
AM Kulminski, J Huang, J Wang, L He, Y Loika, I Culminskaya
Aging Cell 17 (4), e12779, 2018
Genetic and regulatory architecture of Alzheimer's disease in the APOE region
AM Kulminski, L Shu, Y Loika, L He, A Nazarian, K Arbeev, S Ukraintseva, ...
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring 12 (1 …, 2020
Pleiotropic associations of allelic variants in a 2q22 region with risks of major human diseases and mortality
AM Kulminski, L He, I Culminskaya, Y Loika, Y Kernogitski, KG Arbeev, ...
PLoS Genetics 12 (11), e1006314, 2016
Causal effects of cardiovascular risk factors on onset of major age-related diseases: A time-to-event Mendelian randomization study
L He, I Culminskaya, Y Loika, KG Arbeev, O Bagley, M Duan, AI Yashin, ...
Experimental gerontology 107, 74-86, 2018
Impact of classical risk factors of type 2 diabetes among Asian Indian, Chinese and Japanese populations
L He, J Tuomilehto, Q Qiao, S Söderberg, M Daimon, J Chambers, ...
Diabetes & metabolism 41 (5), 401-409, 2015
Fast algorithms for conducting large-scale GWAS of age-at-onset traits using cox mixed-effects models
L He, AM Kulminski
Genetics 215 (1), 41-58, 2020
Probiotics and respiratory and gastrointestinal tract infections in Finnish military conscripts–a randomised placebo-controlled double-blinded study
K Kalima, L Lehtoranta, L He, J Pitkäniemi, R Lundell, I Julkunen, ...
Beneficial microbes 7 (4), 463-471, 2016
Exome-wide age-of-onset analysis reveals exonic variants in ERN1 and SPPL2C associated with Alzheimer’s disease
L He, Y Loika, Y Park, Genotype Tissue Expression (GTEx) consortium, ...
Translational psychiatry 11 (1), 146, 2021
Estimating modifying effect of age on genetic and environmental variance components in twin models
L He, MJ Sillanpää, K Silventoinen, J Kaprio, J Pitkäniemi
Genetics 202 (4), 1313-1328, 2016
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Articles 1–20