Michael Wyrwich
Michael Wyrwich
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Cited by
The long persistence of regional levels of entrepreneurship: Germany, 1925—2005
M Fritsch, M Wyrwich
Entrepreneurship in a Regional Context, 17-35, 2017
Entrepreneurial role models, fear of failure, and institutional approval of entrepreneurship: A tale of two regions
M Wyrwich, M Stuetzer, R Sternberg
Small business economics 46, 467-492, 2016
The effect of entrepreneurship on economic development—an empirical analysis using regional entrepreneurship culture
M Fritsch, M Wyrwich
Journal of Economic Geography 17 (1), 157-189, 2017
Industry structure, entrepreneurship, and culture: An empirical analysis using historical coalfields
M Stuetzer, M Obschonka, DB Audretsch, M Wyrwich, PJ Rentfrow, ...
European Economic Review 86, 52-72, 2016
Regional knowledge, entrepreneurial culture, and innovative start-ups over time and space―an empirical investigation
M Fritsch, M Wyrwich
Small Business Economics 51, 337-353, 2018
Entrepreneurship and the intergenerational transmission of values
M Wyrwich
Small Business Economics 45, 191-213, 2015
Entrepreneurship: theorie, empirie, politik
M Fritsch, M Menter, M Wyrwich
Springer-Verlag, 2024
How much of a socialist legacy? The re-emergence of entrepreneurship in the East German transformation to a market economy
M Fritsch, E Bublitz, A Sorgner, M Wyrwich
Small Business Economics 43, 427-446, 2014
Historical roots of entrepreneurship-facilitating culture and innovation activity: An analysis for German regions
M Fritsch, M Obschonka, M Wyrwich
Regional Studies, 2019
Regional entrepreneurial heritage in a socialist and a postsocialist economy
M Wyrwich
Economic Geography 88 (4), 423-445, 2012
Is innovation (increasingly) concentrated in large cities? An international comparison
M Fritsch, M Wyrwich
Research Policy 50 (6), 104237, 2021
Can socioeconomic heritage produce a lost generation with regard to entrepreneurship?
M Wyrwich
Journal of Business Venturing 28 (5), 667-682, 2013
Self-employment and well-being across institutional contexts
M Fritsch, A Sorgner, M Wyrwich
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (6), 105946, 2019
Historical shocks and persistence of economic activity: Evidence on self-employment from a unique natural experiment
M Fritsch, A Sorgner, M Wyrwich, E Zazdravnykh
Regional Studies 53 (6), 790-802, 2019
Failing role models and the formation of fear of entrepreneurial failure: A study of regional peer effects in German regions
M Wyrwich, R Sternberg, M Stuetzer
Journal of Economic Geography 19 (3), 567-588, 2019
Regional trajectories of entrepreneurship, knowledge, and growth
M Fritsch, M Wyrwich
International Studies in Entrepreneurship 40, 2019
The long persistence of regional entrepreneurship culture: Germany 1925-2005
M Fritsch, M Wyrwich
dIW Berlin discussion paper, 2012
The effect of regional entrepreneurship culture on economic development: Evidence for Germany
M Fritsch, M Wyrwich
Jena Economic Research Papers, 2014
Does successful innovation require large urban areas? Germany as a counterexample
M Fritsch, M Wyrwich
Economic Geography 97 (3), 284-308, 2021
Cross-faculty proximity and academic entrepreneurship: the role of business schools
M Goethner, M Wyrwich
The Journal of Technology Transfer 45, 1016-1062, 2020
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Articles 1–20