Daniel Ricard
Daniel Ricard
Ph.D. (Dalhousie University), M.R.M. (Simon Fraser University), B.Sc. (UBC)
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Rebuilding global fisheries
B Worm, R Hilborn, JK Baum, TA Branch, JS Collie, C Costello, ...
science 325 (5940), 578-585, 2009
Global patterns and predictors of marine biodiversity across taxa
DP Tittensor, C Mora, W Jetz, HK Lotze, D Ricard, EV Berghe, B Worm
Nature 466 (7310), 1098-1101, 2010
The trophic fingerprint of marine fisheries
TA Branch, R Watson, EA Fulton, S Jennings, CR McGilliard, GT Pablico, ...
Nature 468 (7322), 431-435, 2010
Examining the knowledge base and status of commercially exploited marine species with the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database
D Ricard, C Minto, OP Jensen, JK Baum
Fish and fisheries 13 (4), 380-398, 2012
Contrasting global trends in marine fishery status obtained from catches and from stock assessments
TA Branch, OP Jensen, D Ricard, Y Ye, RAY Hilborn
Conservation biology 25 (4), 777-786, 2011
Unexpected patterns of fisheries collapse in the world's oceans
ML Pinsky, OP Jensen, D Ricard, SR Palumbi
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (20), 8317-8322, 2011
Trends in the abundance of marine fishes
JA Hutchings, C Minto, D Ricard, JK Baum, OP Jensen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67 (8), 1205-1210, 2010
Genetic diversity and differentiation in a wide ranging anadromous fish, American shad (Alosa sapidissima), is correlated with latitude
DJ Hasselman, D Ricard, P Bentzen
Molecular ecology 22 (6), 1558-1573, 2013
Biomass and abundance biases in European standard gillnet sampling
M Šmejkal, D Ricard, M Prchalová, M Říha, M Muška, P Blabolil, M Čech, ...
PLoS One 10 (3), e0122437, 2015
Thermal habitat index of many Northwest Atlantic temperate species stays neutral under warming projected for 2030 but changes radically by 2060
NL Shackell, D Ricard, C Stortini
PLoS One 9 (3), e90662, 2014
Patterns in diel habitat use of fish covering the littoral and pelagic zones in a reservoir
M Říha, D Ricard, M Vašek, M Prchalová, T Mrkvička, T Jůza, M Čech, ...
Hydrobiologia 747, 111-131, 2015
Density regulation in Northeast Atlantic fish populations: density dependence is stronger in recruitment than in somatic growth
F Zimmermann, D Ricard, M Heino
Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (3), 672-681, 2018
Assessing global marine fishery status with a revised dynamic catch-based method and stock-assessment reference points
SC Anderson, TA Branch, D Ricard, HK Lotze
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 (8), 1491-1500, 2012
An assessment of the ecological potential of Central and Western European reservoirs based on fish communities
P Blabolil, M Logez, D Ricard, M Prchalová, M Říha, A Sagouis, J Peterka, ...
Fisheries research 173, 80-87, 2016
Small fish use the hypoxic pelagic zone as a refuge from predators
L Vejřík, I Matějíčková, T Jůza, J Frouzová, J Seďa, P Blabolil, D Ricard, ...
Freshwater Biology 61 (6), 899-913, 2016
Indicators for ecosystem-based management on the Scotian Shelf: bridging the gap between theory and practice
R O'Boyle, M Sinclair, P Keizer, K Lee, D Ricard, P Yeats
ICES Journal of Marine Science 62 (3), 598-605, 2005
Real-time distribution of pelagic fish: combining hydroacoustics, GIS and spatial modelling at a fine spatial scale
M Muška, M Tušer, J Frouzová, T Mrkvička, D Ricard, J Seďa, F Morelli, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 5381, 2018
Seasonal and daily protandry in a cyprinid fish
M Šmejkal, D Ricard, L Vejřík, T Mrkvička, L Vebrová, R Baran, P Blabolil, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 4737, 2017
Optimal gillnet sampling design for the estimation of fish community indicators in heterogeneous freshwater ecosystems
P Blabolil, DS Boukal, D Ricard, J Kubečka, M Říha, M Vašek, ...
Ecological Indicators 77, 368-376, 2017
Predicting asp and pikeperch recruitment in a riverine reservoir
P Blabolil, D Ricard, J Peterka, M Říha, T Jůza, M Vašek, M Prchalova, ...
Fisheries Research 173, 45-52, 2016
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Articles 1–20