Nathan Paldor
Nathan Paldor
Fredy and Nadine Herrmann institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Wave propagation and growth on a surface front in a two-layer geostrophic current
PD Killworth, N Paldor, ME Stern
Hydrographic indications of advection/convection effects in the Gulf of Elat
A Wolf-Vecht, N Paldor, S Brenner
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 39 (7-8), 1393-1401, 1992
Seasonal variations of temperature and salinity in the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba)
N Paldor, DA Anati
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 26 (6), 661-672, 1979
Simulation of wind-driven circulation in the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba)
T Berman, N Paldor, S Brenner
Journal of Marine Systems 26 (3-4), 349-365, 2000
Tropical plumes over eastern North Africa as a source of rain in the Middle East
S Rubin, B Ziv, N Paldor
Monthly Weather Review 135 (12), 4135-4148, 2007
The behavior of groundwater in the vicinity of the water table evidenced by specific discharge profiles
D Ronen, M Magaritz, N Paldor, Y Bachmat
Water Resources Research 22 (8), 1217-1224, 1986
Constraints on effective diffusivity during oxygen isotope exchange at a marble-schist contact, Sifnos (Cyclades), Greece
J Ganor, A Matthews, N Paldor
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 94 (3-4), 208-216, 1989
Stability of a potential vorticity front: from quasi-geostrophy to shallow water
E Boss, N Paldor, L Thompson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 315, 65-84, 1996
Changes in the circulation and current spectrum near the tip of the narrow, seasonally mixed Gulf of Elat
A Genin, N Paldor
Isr. J. Earth Sci 47, 87-92, 1998
Linear stability and stable modes of geostrophic fronts
N Paldor
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 24 (4), 299-326, 1983
Inertial trajectories on a rotating earth
N Paldor, PD Killworth
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 45 (24), 4013-4019, 1988
Stability and stable modes of coastal fronts
N Paldor
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 27 (3-4), 217-228, 1983
Polynomial cointegration tests of anthropogenic impact on global warming
M Beenstock, Y Reingewertz, N Paldor
Earth System Dynamics 3 (2), 173-188, 2012
Estimating air–sea heat fluxes in semienclosed basins: The case of the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba)
M Ben-Sasson, S Brenner, N Paldor
Journal of physical oceanography 39 (1), 185-202, 2009
Instabilities of a two-layer coupled front
N Paldor, PD Killworth
Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers 34 (9), 1525-1539, 1987
Mass exchange between mobile freshwater and immobile saline water in the unsaturated zone
H Gvirtzman, N Paldor, M Magaritz, Y Bachmat
Water Resources Research 24 (10), 1638-1644, 1988
Are there oceanographic explanations for the Israelites' crossing of the Red Sea?
D Nof, N Paldor
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 73 (3), 305-314, 1992
Annual SST cycle in the eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea and Gulf of Elat
T Berman, N Paldor, S Brenner
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (5), 2003
Chaotic trajectories of tidally perturbed inertial oscillations
N Paldor, E Boss
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 49 (23), 2306-2318, 1992
Shortwave instabilities of coastal currents
N Paldor, M Ghil
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 58 (1-4), 225-241, 1991
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Articles 1–20