Atef Hamada
Atef Hamada
Kerttu Saalasti Institute, FMT Group, University of Oulu, Finland
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The influence of aluminum on hot deformation behavior and tensile properties of high-Mn TWIP steels
AS Hamada, LP Karjalainen, MC Somani
Materials Science and Engineering: A 467 (1-2), 114-124, 2007
Fatigue behavior of high-Mn TWIP steels
AS Hamada, LP Karjalainen, J Puustinen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 517 (1-2), 68-77, 2009
On the current research progress of metallic materials fabricated by laser powder bed fusion process: a review
W Abd-Elaziem, S Elkatatny, AE Abd-Elaziem, M Khedr, MA Abd El-baky, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 20, 681-707, 2022
Contribution of deformation mechanisms to strength and ductility in two Cr–Mn grade austenitic stainless steels
AS Hamada, LP Karjalainen, RDK Misra, J Talonen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 559, 336-344, 2013
Hot ductility behaviour of high-Mn TWIP steels
AS Hamada, LP Karjalainen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (3), 1819-1827, 2011
Electrochemical corrosion behaviour of a novel submicron-grained austenitic stainless steel in an acidic NaCl solution
AS Hamada, LP Karjalainen, MC Somani
Materials Science and Engineering: A 431 (1-2), 211-217, 2006
High-cycle fatigue behavior of ultrafine-grained austenitic stainless and TWIP steels
AS Hamada, LP Karjalainen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (21-22), 5715-5722, 2010
Effects of reversion and recrystallization on microstructure and mechanical properties of Nb-alloyed low-Ni high-Mn austenitic stainless steels
A Kisko, AS Hamada, J Talonen, D Porter, LP Karjalainen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 657, 359-370, 2016
Manufacturing, mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of high-Mn TWIP steels
AS Hamada
University of Oulu, 2007
Titanium-Based alloys and composites for orthopedic implants Applications: A comprehensive review
W Abd-Elaziem, MA Darwish, A Hamada, WM Daoush
Materials & Design, 112850, 2024
Enhancement of mechanical properties of a TRIP-aided austenitic stainless steel by controlled reversion annealing
AS Hamada, AP Kisko, P Sahu, LP Karjalainen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 628, 154-159, 2015
Fatigue behavior of four high-Mn twinning induced plasticity effect steels
AS Hamada, LP Karjalainen, A Ferraiuolo, J Gil Sevillano, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 41, 1102-1108, 2010
Microstructure and mechanical properties evolution of friction stir spot welded high-Mn twinning-induced plasticity steel
MMZ Ahmed, E Ahmed, AS Hamada, SA Khodir, MMES Seleman, ...
Materials & Design 91, 378-387, 2016
Effect of Al content and cold rolling on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al5Cr12Fe35Mn28Ni20 high-entropy alloy
S Elkatatny, MAH Gepreel, A Hamada, K Nakamura, K Yamanaka, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 759, 380-390, 2019
Deformation mechanisms in high-Al bearing high-Mn TWIP steels in hot compression and in tension at low temperatures
AS Hamada, LP Karjalainen, MC Somani, RM Ramadan
Materials Science Forum 550, 217-222, 2007
Effect of carbon nanotube (CNT) content on the hardness, wear resistance and thermal expansion of in-situ reduced graphene oxide (rGO)-reinforced aluminum matrix composites
P Nyanor, O El-Kady, HM Yehia, AS Hamada, K Nakamura, MA Hassan
Metals and Materials International 27, 1315-1326, 2021
Ductility and formability of three high-Mn TWIP steels in quasi-static and high-speed tensile and Erichsen tests
AS Hamada, A Kisko, A Khosravifard, MA Hassan, LP Karjalainen, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 712, 255-265, 2018
X-ray Diffraction Study on Cooling-Rate-Induced γ fccε hcp Martensitic Transformation in Cast-Homogenized Fe-26Mn-0.14C Austenitic …
P Sahu, AS Hamada, RN Ghosh, LP Karjalainen
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38, 1991-2000, 2007
Indentation property and corrosion resistance of electroless nickel–phosphorus coatings deposited on austenitic high-Mn TWIP steel
AS Hamada, P Sahu, DA Porter
Applied Surface Science 356, 1-8, 2015
Materials Science and Engineering: A
AS Hamada, LP Karjalainen, MC Somani
The influence of aluminum on hot deformation behavior and tensile properties …, 2007
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Articles 1–20