Pedro MS Carvalho
Pedro MS Carvalho
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering @ IST, University of Lisbon, Researcher @ INESC-ID
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Distributed reactive power generation control for voltage rise mitigation in distribution networks
PMS Carvalho, PF Correia, LAFM Ferreira
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on 23 (2), 766-772, 2008
Wind integration in power systems: Operational challenges and possible solutions
L Xie, PMS Carvalho, LAFM Ferreira, J Liu, BH Krogh, N Popli, MD Ilic
Proceedings of the IEEE 99 (1), 214-232, 2011
A decomposition approach to optimal remote controlled switch allocation in distribution systems
PMS Carvalho, L Ferreira, AJC Da Silva
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 20 (2), 1031-1036, 2005
Distributed Energy Resources Integration Challenges in Low-Voltage Networks: Voltage Control Limitations and Risk of Cascading
PDF Ferreira, PMS Carvalho, LAFM Ferreira, MD Ilic
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 4 (1), 82-88, 2013
Clustering representative days for power systems generation expansion planning: Capturing the effects of variable renewables and energy storage
IJ Scott, PMS Carvalho, A Botterud, CA Silva
Applied Energy 253, 113603, 2019
Distribution grid reconfiguration reduces power losses and helps integrate renewables
C Lueken, P Carvalho, J Apt
Energy Policy 48, 260-273, 2012
Optimal distribution network expansion planning under uncertainty by evolutionary decision convergence
PMS Carvalho, L Ferreira, FG Lobo, LMF Barruncho
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 20 (2), 125-129, 1998
Distribution network expansion planning under uncertainty: a hedging algorithm in an evolutionary approach
PMS Carvalho, LAFM Ferreira, FG Lobo, LMF Barruncho
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 15 (1), 412-416, 2000
Optimization approach to dynamic restoration of distribution systems
PMS Carvalho, L Ferreira, LMF Barruncho
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 29 (3), 222-229, 2007
On spanning-tree recombination in evolutionary large-scale network problems-application to electrical distribution planning
PMS Carvalho, LAFM Ferreira, LMF Barruncho
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 5 (6), 623-630, 2001
PV hosting capacity dependence on harmonic voltage distortion in low-voltage grids: Model validation with experimental data
TEC Oliveira, PMS Carvalho, PF Ribeiro, BD Bonatto
Energies 11 (2), 465, 2018
Can a wind farm with CAES survive in the day-ahead market?
B Mauch, P Carvalho, J Apt
Energy Policy 48, 584-593, 2012
Surface intermediates, mechanisms and selectivities of reactions of alcohols, aldehydes, and carboxylic acids on clean and modified palladium (111) surfaces
JL Davis
University of Delaware, 1988
The concept of dynamic hosting capacity for distributed energy resources: Analytics and practical considerations
TE Castelo de Oliveira, M Bollen, PF Ribeiro, PMS de Carvalho, ...
Energies 12 (13), 2576, 2019
Long-term uncertainties in generation expansion planning: Implications for electricity market modelling and policy
IJ Scott, PMS Carvalho, A Botterud, CA Silva
Energy 227, 120371, 2021
Reinforcement scheduling convergence in power systems transmission planning
FS Reis, PMS Carvalho, LAFM Ferreira
IEEE Transactions on power systems 20 (2), 1151-1157, 2005
Urban distribution network investment criteria for reliability adequacy
PMS Carvalho, L Ferreira
IEEE Transactions on power systems 19 (2), 1216-1222, 2004
Renewable energy support policy evaluation: The role of long-term uncertainty in market modelling
IJ Scott, A Botterud, PMS Carvalho, CAS Silva
Applied Energy 278, 115643, 2020
An effective method for modeling wind power forecast uncertainty
B Mauch, J Apt, PMS Carvalho, MJ Small
Energy Systems 4 (4), 393-417, 2013
Towards self-healing in distribution networks operation: Bipartite graph modelling for automated switching
A Košt’álová, PMS Carvalho
Electric power systems research 81 (1), 51-56, 2011
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Articles 1–20