K M Mohsin
K M Mohsin, B.Sc. in EEE, Bangladesh Univ. of Engg. & Technol.
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Cited by
A graphene field effect transistor for high temperature sensing applications
YM Banadaki, KM Mohsin, A Srivastava
Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems 2014 9060, 72-78, 2014
Adaptive bilateral filtering for despeckling of medical ultrasound images
E Farzana, M Tanzid, KM Mohsin, MIH Bhuiyan, S Hossain
TENCON 2010-2010 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1728-1733, 2010
Quantum realization of some quaternary circuits
MMM Khan, AK Biswas, S Chowdhury, M Tanzid, KM Mohsin, M Hasan, ...
TENCON 2008-2008 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-5, 2008
A Thermal Model for Carbon Nanotube Interconnects
KM Mohsin, A Srivastava, AK Sharma, CA Mayberry
Nanomaterials 3 (2), 229-241, 2013
A highly nonlinear spiral photonic crystal fiber for tailoring two zero dispersion wavelengths in the visible region
MN Hossain, MS Alam, DMN Hasan, KM Mohsin
Photonics Letters of Poland 2 (3), 143-145, 2010
Dispersion and nonlinearity properties of a chalcogenide As2Se3 suspended core fiber
KM Mohsin, MS Alam, DMN Hasan, MN Hossain
Appl. Opt 50 (25), E102-E107, 2011
Temperature Sensitivity of Electrical Resistivity of Graphene/Copper Hybrid Nano Ribbon Interconnect: A First Principle Study
KM Mohsin, A Srivastava, AK Sharma, C Mayberry, MS Fahad
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 6 (4), 119, 2017
Metallic single-walled, carbon nanotube temperature sensor with self heating
KM Mohsin, YM Banadaki, A Srivastava
Nanosensors, Biosensors, and Info-Tech Sensors and Systems 2014 9060, 27-33, 2014
Quantum capacitance of hybrid graphene copper nanoribbon
KM Mohsin, A Srivastava, MS Fahad, MA Khan
ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 6 (10), M133, 2017
Design of a spiral silica photonic crystal fiber for nonlinear applications in visible region
MN Hossain, MS Alam, DMN Hasan, KM Mohsin
Optical Engineering 50 (7), 070503-070503-3, 2011
Silicene nanoribbon tunnel field effect transistor
MS Fahad, A Srivastava, AK Sharma, C Mayberry, KM Mohsin
ECS Transactions 75 (5), 175, 2016
Characterization of MWCNT VLSI interconnect with self-heating induced scatterings
KM Mohsin, A Srivastava, AK Sharma, C Mayberry
2014 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI, 368-373, 2014
Modeling of Joule heating induced effects in multiwall carbon nanotube interconnects
KM Mohsin, A Srivastava
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems 25 (11 …, 2017
Bilateral filtering with adaptation to phase coherence and noise
E Farzana, M Tanzid, KM Mohsin, MIH Bhuiyan
Signal, Image and Video Processing 7, 367-376, 2013
Current transport in graphene/copper hybrid nano ribbon interconnect: A first principle study
KM Mohsin, A Srivastava, AK Sharma, C Mayberry, MS Fahad
ECS Transactions 75 (13), 49, 2016
Characterization of SWCNT bundle based VLSI interconnect with self-heating induced scatterings
KM Mohsin, A Srivastava
Proceedings of the 25th edition on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 265-270, 2015
Optical characterization of a chalcogenide glass nanophotonic device
DMN Hasan, MN Hossain, KM Mohsin, MS Alam
TENCON 2010-2010 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1915-1920, 2010
Thermal effects in carbon nanotube VLSI interconnects
A Srivastava, KM Mohsin
Nano-CMOS and Post-CMOS Electronics: Circuits and Design by S. P. Mohanty …, 2016
Adaptive bilateral filtering for image denoising
E Farzana, M Tanzid, KM Mohsin, MIH Bhuiyan
International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2011) 8285 …, 2011
Analysis of Micro and Nanostructured Photonic Crystal Fibers
DMN Hasan
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2011
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Articles 1–20