Martin Fraas
Martin Fraas
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Geometry and response of Lindbladians
VV Albert, B Bradlyn, M Fraas, L Jiang
Physical Review X 6 (4), 041031, 2016
Optimal Hardy weight for second-order elliptic operator: an answer to a problem of Agmon
B Devyver, M Fraas, Y Pinchover
Journal of Functional Analysis 266 (7), 4422-4489, 2014
Adiabatic theorems for generators of contracting evolutions
JE Avron, M Fraas, GM Graf, P Grech
Communications in mathematical physics 314, 163-191, 2012
Bayesian quantum frequency estimation in presence of collective dephasing
K Macieszczak, M Fraas, R Demkowicz-Dobrzański
New Journal of Physics 16 (11), 113002, 2014
Quantum response of dephasing open systems
JE Avron, M Fraas, GM Graf, O Kenneth
New Journal of Physics 13, 053042, 2011
Adiabatic theorem for quantum spin systems
S Bachmann, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Physical review letters 119 (6), 060201, 2017
Adiabatic response for Lindblad dynamics
JE Avron, M Fraas, GM Graf
Journal of Statistical Physics 148, 800-823, 2012
The adiabatic theorem and linear response theory for extended quantum systems
S Bachmann, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Communications in Mathematical Physics 361, 997-1027, 2018
A many-body index for quantum charge transport
S Bachmann, A Bols, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Communications in Mathematical Physics 375, 1249-1272, 2020
Distinguishing decoherence from alternative quantum theories by dynamical decoupling
C Arenz, R Hillier, M Fraas, D Burgarth
Physical Review A 92 (2), 022102, 2015
Quantization of conductance in gapped interacting systems
S Bachmann, A Bols, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Annales Henri Poincaré 19, 695-708, 2018
Invariant measure for quantum trajectories
T Benoist, M Fraas, Y Pautrat, C Pellegrini
Probability Theory and Related Fields 174, 307-334, 2019
Landau-Zener tunneling for dephasing Lindblad evolutions
JE Avron, M Fraas, GM Graf, P Grech
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1-7, 2009
Optimal time schedule for adiabatic evolution
JE Avron, M Fraas, GM Graf, P Grech
Physical Review A 82 (4), 040304, 2010
Positive Liouville theorems and asymptotic behavior for p-Laplacian type elliptic equations with a Fuchsian potential
M Fraas, Y Pinchover
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1003.5452, 2010
The decay law can have an irregular character
P Exner, M Fraas
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 40 (6), 1333, 2007
Isolated singularities of positive solutions of p-Laplacian type equations in R^ d
M Fraas, Y Pinchover
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1008.3873, 2010
On geometric perturbations of critical Schrödinger operators with a surface interaction
P Exner, M Fraas
Journal of Mathematical Physics 50 (11), 2101, 2009
Rational indices for quantum ground state sectors
S Bachmann, A Bols, W De Roeck, M Fraas
Journal of Mathematical Physics 62 (1), 2021
Indirect acquisition of information in quantum mechanics
M Ballesteros, M Fraas, J Fröhlich, B Schubnel
Journal of Statistical Physics 162, 924-958, 2016
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Articles 1–20