Abadie Marlène
Abadie Marlène
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Gist memory in the unconscious-thought effect
M Abadie, L Waroquier, P Terrier
Psychological Science 24 (7), 1253-1259, 2013
False memory at short and long term.
M Abadie, V Camos
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 148 (8), 1312, 2019
Interactivity fosters Bayesian reasoning without instruction.
G Vallée-Tourangeau, M Abadie, F Vallée-Tourangeau
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (3), 581, 2015
Distinguishing the role of conscious and unconscious knowledge in evaluative conditioning
L Waroquier, M Abadie, Z Dienes
Cognition 205, 104460, 2020
The role of gist and verbatim memory in complex decision making: Explaining the unconscious-thought effect.
M Abadie, L Waroquier, P Terrier
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 43 (5), 694, 2017
Verbatim and gist memory in aging.
M Abadie, E Gavard, F Guillaume
Psychology and Aging 36 (8), 891, 2021
The primacy order effect in complex decision making
A Rey, K Le Goff, M Abadie, P Courrieu
Psychological Research 84 (6), 1739-1748, 2020
Information presentation format moderates the unconscious-thought effect: The role of recollection
M Abadie, L Waroquier, P Terrier
Memory 24 (8), 1123-1133, 2016
Role of attention in the associative relatedness effect in verbal working memory: Behavioral and chronometric perspectives.
FL Rosselet-Jordan, M Abadie, S Mariz-Elsig, V Camos
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (11 …, 2022
Evaluating the benefits of conscious and unconscious thought in complex decision making
M Abadie, L Waroquier
Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (1), 72-78, 2019
The interplay between presentation material and decision mode for complex choice preferences
M Abadie, G Villejoubert, L Waroquier, F Vallee-Tourangeau
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 25 (6), 682-691, 2013
Attentional refreshing moderates the word frequency effect in immediate and delayed recall tasks
M Abadie, V Camos
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1424 (1), 127-136, 2018
The effect of the cognitive demands of the distraction task on unconscious thought
L Waroquier, M Abadie, O Klein, A Cleeremans
Behavioral and brain sciences 37 (1), 44, 2014
Children’s gist-based false memory in working memory tasks.
M Rousselle, M Abadie, A Blaye, V Camos
Developmental Psychology 59 (2), 272, 2023
On the memory processes underlying conscious deliberation in complex decision making: The role of verbatim and gist memory
M Abadie, L Waroquier
Psychological Research 84 (6), 1714-1722, 2020
Age-related changes in controllable and uncontrollable processes underlying evaluative conditioning: A comparison between children ages 7 to 11 and young adults.
L Waroquier, M Abadie, A Blaye
Developmental Psychology 58 (2), 359, 2022
Short-Term Phantom Recollection in 8–10-Year-Olds and Young Adults
M Abadie, M Rousselle
Journal of Intelligence 11 (4), 67, 2023
La mémoire de travail dans la dyslexie: Dysfonctionnements et pistes de remédiation
M Rousselle, M Abadie
Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant, 154-161, 2021
L'effet de pensée inconsciente en matière de décisions complexes: étude des modérateurs et processus mnésiques sous-jacents
M Abadie
Université Toulouse le Mirail-Toulouse II, 2014
Interactivity Fosters Bayesian Reasoning without Instruction [Data set and code book]
G Vallee-Tourangeau, M Abadie, F Vallee-Tourangeau
Open Science Framework, 2016
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Articles 1–20