Influence of the precipitating energetic particles on atmospheric chemistry and climate E Rozanov, M Calisto, T Egorova, T Peter, W Schmutz Surveys in geophysics 33, 483-501, 2012 | 191 | 2012 |
Composition changes after the" Halloween" solar proton event: the High Energy Particle Precipitation in the Atmosphere (HEPPA) model versus MIPAS data intercomparison study B Funke, A Baumgaertner, M Calisto, T Egorova, CH Jackman, J Kieser, ... Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (17), 9089-9139, 2011 | 191 | 2011 |
The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6 – Part 3: The last millennium, scientific objective, and experimental design for the PMIP4 past1000 simulations J Jungclaus, E Bard, M Baroni, P Braconnot, J Cao, L Chini, T Egorova, ... Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 10 (11), 4005-4033, 2017 | 182 | 2017 |
Chemical and dynamical response to the 11‐year variability of the solar irradiance simulated with a chemistry‐climate model T Egorova, E Rozanov, E Manzini, M Haberreiter, W Schmutz, V Zubov, ... Geophysical Research Letters 31 (6), 2004 | 151 | 2004 |
The SOCOL version 3.0 chemistry–climate model: description, evaluation, and implications from an advanced transport algorithm A Stenke, M Schraner, E Rozanov, T Egorova, B Luo, T Peter Geoscientific Model Development 6 (5), 1407-1427, 2013 | 150 | 2013 |
Model for investigating ozone trends (MEZON) TA Egorova, EV Rozanov, VA Zubov, IL Karol Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 39 (3), 277-292, 2003 | 147 | 2003 |
Chemistry-climate model SOCOL: a validation of the present-day climatology T Egorova, E Rozanov, V Zubov, E Manzini, W Schmutz, T Peter Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5 (6), 1557-1576, 2005 | 121 | 2005 |
Chemistry-climate model SOCOL: version 2.0 with improved transport and chemistry/microphysics schemes M Schraner, E Rozanov, C Schnadt Poberaj, P Kenzelmann, AM Fischer, ... Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (19), 5957-5974, 2008 | 105 | 2008 |
The PMIP4 contribution to CMIP6–Part 3: The last millennium, scientific objective, and experimental design for the PMIP4 past1000 simulations, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 4005–4033 JH Jungclaus, E Bard, M Baroni, P Braconnot, J Cao, LP Chini, T Egorova, ... | 90 | 2017 |
Revised historical solar irradiance forcing T Egorova, W Schmutz, E Rozanov, AI Shapiro, I Usoskin, J Beer, ... Astronomy & Astrophysics 615, A85, 2018 | 88 | 2018 |
Climate/chemistry effects of the Pinatubo volcanic eruption simulated by the UIUC stratosphere/troposphere GCM with interactive photochemistry EV Rozanov, ME Schlesinger, NG Andronova, F Yang, SL Malyshev, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 107 (D21), 2002 | 71 | 2002 |
Atmospheric response to the observed increase of solar UV radiation from solar minimum to solar maximum simulated by the University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign climate … EV Rozanov, ME Schlesinger, TA Egorova, B Li, N Andronova, VA Zubov Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D1), 2004 | 64 | 2004 |
Diurnal changes in middle atmospheric H2O and O3: Observations in the Alpine region and climate models A Haefele, K Hocke, N Kämpfer, P Keckhut, M Marchand, S Bekki, B Morel, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 113 (D17), 2008 | 59 | 2008 |
Role of external factors in the evolution of the ozone layer and stratospheric circulation in 21st century V Zubov, E Rozanov, T Egorova, I Karol, W Schmutz Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (9), 4697-4706, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
Montreal Protocol benefits simulated with CCM SOCOL T Egorova, E Rozanov, J Gröbner, M Hauser, W Schmutz Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (7), 3811-3823, 2013 | 49 | 2013 |
Progress in space weather modeling in an operational environment I Tsagouri, A Belehaki, N Bergeot, C Cid, V Delouille, T Egorova, ... Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 3, A17, 2013 | 49 | 2013 |
Simulation of the stratospheric ozone and temperature response to the solar irradiance variability during sun rotation cycle E Rozanov, T Egorova, W Schmutz, T Peter Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 68 (18), 2203-2213, 2006 | 47 | 2006 |
Signature of the 27-day solar rotation cycle in mesospheric OH and H 2 O observed by the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder AV Shapiro, E Rozanov, AI Shapiro, S Wang, T Egorova, W Schmutz, ... Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (7), 3181-3188, 2012 | 46 | 2012 |
The PREMOS/PICARD instrument calibration W Schmutz, A Fehlmann, G Hülsen, P Meindl, R Winkler, G Thuillier, ... Metrologia 46 (4), S202, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
Assessment of the effect of the Montreal Protocol on atmospheric ozone TA Egorova, EV Rozanov, ME Schlesinger, NG Andronova, SL Malyshev, ... Geophysical research letters 28 (12), 2389-2392, 2001 | 41 | 2001 |