Damien Fourure
Damien Fourure
Data Scientist
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Residual conv-deconv grid network for semantic segmentation
D Fourure, R Emonet, E Fromont, D Muselet, A Tremeau, C Wolf
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.07958, 2017
Multi-task, multi-domain learning: application to semantic segmentation and pose regression
D Fourure, R Emonet, E Fromont, D Muselet, N Neverova, A Trémeau, ...
Neurocomputing 251, 68-80, 2017
Anomaly detection: How to artificially increase your f1-score with a biased evaluation protocol
D Fourure, MU Javaid, N Posocco, S Tihon
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in …, 2021
Mixed pooling neural networks for color constancy
D Fourure, R Emonet, E Fromont, D Muselet, A Trémeau, C Wolf
2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3997-4001, 2016
DAEMA: Denoising autoencoder with mask attention
S Tihon, MU Javaid, D Fourure, N Posocco, T Peel
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 229-240, 2021
Semantic segmentation via multi-task, multi-domain learning
D Fourure, R Emonet, E Fromont, D Muselet, A Trémeau, C Wolf
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint IAPR …, 2016
Residual conv-deconv grid network for semantic segmentation. arXiv 2017
D Fourure, R Emonet, E Fromont, D Muselet, A Tremeau, C Wolf
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.07958, 0
Réseaux de neurones convolutifs pour la segmentation sémantique et l'apprentissage d'invariants de couleur
D Fourure
Université de Lyon, 2017
Segmentation de scènes extérieures à partir d'ensembles d'étiquettes à granularité et sémantique variables
D Fourure, R Emonet, E Fromont, D Muselet, A Tremeau, C Wolf
RFIA 2016, 2016
" Deep visual domain adaptation applied to traffic sign detection
A Bombo, M Saerens, A Jacques, D Fourure
2Be3-Net: Combining 2D and 3D convolutional neural networks for 3D PET scans predictions
R Thomas, E Schalck, D Fourure, A Bonnefoy, I Cervera-Marzal
International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis …, 2021
Convolutional neural networks for semantic segmentation and color constancy
D Fourure
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: TEL …, 2017
Technical Report Number 5
H Aıt-Kaci, MS Hacid, R Haque, D Fourure
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Articles 1–13