Po-Chyi Su
Cited by
Cited by
Wavelet-based digital image watermarking
HJM Wang, PC Su, CCJ Kuo
Optics Express 3 (12), 491-496, 1998
Steganography in JPEG2000 compressed images
PC Su, CCJ Kuo
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 49 (4), 824-832, 2003
Robust and efficient digital audio watermarking using audio content analysis
CP Wu, PC Su, CCJ Kuo
Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents II 3971, 382-392, 2000
An integrated approach to image watermarking and JPEG-2000 compression
PC Su, HJM Wang, CCJ Kuo
Journal of VLSI signal processing systems for signal, image and video …, 2001
Robust audio watermarking for copyright protection
CP Wu, PC Su, CCJ Kuo
Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations IX …, 1999
A practical design of digital video watermarking in H. 264/AVC for content authentication
PC Su, CS Wu, F Chen, CY Wu, YC Wu
Signal Processing: Image Communication 26 (8-9), 413-426, 2011
Blind digital watermarking for cartoon and map images
PC Su, CCJ Kuo, HJM Wang
Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents 3657, 296-306, 1999
Geometrically resilient digital image watermarking by using interest point extraction and extended pilot signals
PC Su, YC Chang, CY Wu
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 8 (12), 1897-1908, 2013
Data embedding for vector quantization image processing on the basis of adjoining state-codebook mapping
WJ Wang, CT Huang, CM Liu, PC Su, SJ Wang
Information Sciences 246, 69-82, 2013
Digital image watermarking in regions of interest
PC Su, HJM Wang, CCJ Kuo
PICS 99, 295-300, 1999
Synchronized detection of the block-based watermark with invisible grid embedding
PC Su, CCJ Kuo
Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents III 4314, 406-417, 2001
A region of interest rate-control scheme for encoding traffic surveillance videos
CY Wu, PC Su
2009 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and …, 2009
Forensic and anti-forensic techniques for video shot editing in H. 264/AVC
PC Su, PL Suei, MK Chang, J Lain
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 29, 103-113, 2015
Improved visual information fidelity based on sensitivity characteristics of digital images
TY Kuo, PC Su, CM Tsai
Journal of visual communication and image representation 40, 76-84, 2016
Wavelet-based blind watermark retrieval technique
HJM Wang, PC Su, CCJ Kuo
Multimedia Systems and Applications 3528, 440-451, 1999
A practical design of digital watermarking for video streaming services
PC Su, TY Kuo, MH Li
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 42, 161-172, 2017
Towards effective content authentication for digital videos by employing feature extraction and quantization
PC Su, CC Chen, HM Chang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 19 (5), 668-677, 2009
Digital watermarking on EBCOT compressed images
PC Su, HJM Wang, CCJ Kuo
Applications of Digital Image Processing XXII 3808, 313-324, 1999
A practical design of content protection for H. 264/AVC compressed videos by selective encryption and fingerprinting
PC Su, CW Hsu, CY Wu
Multimedia Tools and Applications 52, 529-549, 2011
A content-adaptive distortion–quantization model for H. 264/AVC and its applications
CY Wu, PC Su
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 24 (1), 113-126, 2013
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Articles 1–20