Raymond K Kostuk
Raymond K Kostuk
Professor of Electrica and Computer Engineering and the College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona
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Optical imaging applied to microelectronic chip-to-chip interconnections
RK Kostuk, JW Goodman, L Hesselink
Applied Optics 24 (17), 2851-2858, 1985
Effective-medium theory of zeroth-order lamellar gratings in conical mountings
CW Haggans, L Li, RK Kostuk
JOSA A 10 (10), 2217-2225, 1993
Low-density parity check codes and iterative decoding for long-haul optical communication systems
B Vasic, IB Djordjevic, RK Kostuk
Journal of Lightwave Technology 21 (2), 438, 2003
Optimization of multiplexed holographic gratings in PQ-PMMA for spectral-spatial imaging filters
Y Luo, PJ Gelsinger, JK Barton, G Barbastathis, RK Kostuk
Optics letters 33 (6), 566-568, 2008
Model and validation of single-axis tracking with bifacial PV
SA Pelaez, C Deline, P Greenberg, JS Stein, RK Kostuk
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (3), 715-721, 2019
Comparison of bifacial solar irradiance model predictions with field validation
SA Pelaez, C Deline, SM MacAlpine, B Marion, JS Stein, RK Kostuk
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (1), 82-88, 2018
Investigation of the effect of finite grating size on the performance of guided-mode resonance filters
RR Boye, RK Kostuk
Applied optics 39 (21), 3649-3653, 2000
Design considerations for holographic optical interconnects
RK Kostuk, JW Goodman, L Hesselink
Applied optics 26 (18), 3947-3953, 1987
Energy collection efficiency of holographic planar solar concentrators
JM Castro, D Zhang, B Myer, RK Kostuk
Applied optics 49 (5), 858-870, 2010
Polarization properties of substrate-mode holographic interconnects
RK Kostuk, M Kato, YT Huang
Applied optics 29 (26), 3848-3854, 1990
Roadmap on holography
JT Sheridan, RK Kostuk, AF Gil, Y Wang, W Lu, H Zhong, Y Tomita, ...
Journal of Optics 22 (12), 123002, 2020
Holographic edge-illuminated polymer Bragg gratings for dense wavelength division optical filters at 1550 nm
A Sato, M Scepanovic, RK Kostuk
Applied optics 42 (5), 778-784, 2003
Dynamic hologram recording characteristics in DuPont photopolymers
RK Kostuk
Applied optics 38 (8), 1357-1363, 1999
Reducing alignment and chromatic sensitivity of holographic optical interconnects with substrate-mode holograms
RK Kostuk, YT Huang, D Hetherington, M Kato
Applied optics 28 (22), 4939-4944, 1989
Spectrum splitting metrics and effect of filter characteristics on photovoltaic system performance
JM Russo, D Zhang, M Gordon, S Vorndran, Y Wu, RK Kostuk
Optics express 22 (102), A528-A541, 2014
Analysis and design of holographic solar concentrators
RK Kostuk, G Rosenberg
High and Low Concentration for Solar Electric Applications III 7043, 112-119, 2008
Laser-induced fluorescence imaging of subsurface tissue structures with a volume holographic spatial-spectral imaging system
Y Luo, PJ Gelsinger-Austin, JM Watson, G Barbastathis, JK Barton, ...
Optics letters 33 (18), 2098-2100, 2008
Simulations and experiments of aperiodic and multiplexed gratings in volume holographic imaging systems
Y Luo, J Castro, JK Barton, RK Kostuk, G Barbastathis
Optics Express 18 (18), 19273-19285, 2010
Improvement to holographic digital data-storage systems with random and pseudorandom phase masks
Q Gao, R Kostuk
Applied Optics 36 (20), 4853-4861, 1997
Recent advances in ion exchanged glass waveguides and devices
S Honkanen, BR West, S Yliniemi, P Madasamy, M Morrell, J Auxier, ...
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses-European Journal of Glass Science and …, 2006
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