Dan Tsafrir
Cited by
Cited by
Backfilling using system-generated predictions rather than user runtime estimates
D Tsafrir, Y Etsion, DG Feitelson
TPDS: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 18 (6), 789-803, 2007
Deconstructing Amazon EC2 Spot Instance Pricing
O Agmon Ben-Yehuda, M Ben-Yehuda, A Schuster, D Tsafrir
CloudCom '11: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing …, 2011
Experience with Using the Parallel Workloads Archive
DG Feitelson, D Tsafrir, D Krakov
JPDC: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 75 (10), 2967–2982, 2014
ELI: Bare-Metal Performance for I/O Virtualization
A Gordon, N Amit, N Har’El, M Ben-Yehuda, A Landau, A Schuster, ...
ASPLOS '12: ACM Architectural Support for Programming Languages & Operating …, 2012
System noise, OS clock ticks, and fine-grained parallel applications
D Tsafrir, Y Etsion, DG Feitelson, S Kirkpatrick
ICS '05: ACM 19th Annual International Conference on Supercomputing, 303-312, 2005
Sorting points into neighborhoods (SPIN): data analysis and visualization by ordering distance matrices
D Tsafrir, I Tsafrir, L Ein-Dor, O Zuk, DA Notterman, E Domany
Bioinformatics 21 (10), 2301-2308, 2005
Modeling user runtime estimates
D Tsafrir, Y Etsion, D Feitelson
JSSPP '05: Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, 1-35, 2005
A short survey of commercial cluster batch schedulers
Y Etsion, D Tsafrir
Technical Report 2005-13, CS, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2005
The context-switch overhead inflicted by hardware interrupts (and the enigma of do-nothing loops)
D Tsafrir
ExpCS '07: Usenix/ACM Workshop on Experimental Computer Science, 3:1--3:14, 2007
The resource-as-a-service (RaaS) cloud
O Agmon Ben-Yehuda, M Ben-Yehuda, A Schuster, D Tsafrir
HotCloud '12: 4th USENIX conference on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing, 2012
Hardware and Software Support for Virtualization
E Bugnion, J Nieh, D Tsafrir
Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture. Morgan & Claypool Publishers 12 …, 2017
VSwapper: A memory swapper for virtualized environments
N Amit, D Tsafrir, A Schuster
ASPLOS'14: ACM Int'l Conference on Architectural Support for Programming …, 2014
vIOMMU: efficient IOMMU emulation
N Amit, M Ben-Yehuda, D Tsafrir, A Schuster
ATC '11: USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 73-86, 2011
The Rise of RaaS: the Resource-as-a-Service Cloud
O Agmon Ben-Yehuda, M Ben-Yehuda, A Schuster, D Tsafrir
CACM: Communications of the ACM 57 (7), 76-84, 2014
Storm: a fast transactional dataplane for remote data structures
S Novakovic, Y Shan, A Kolli, M Cui, Y Zhang, H Eran, B Pismenny, L Liss, ...
SYSTOR'19: 12th ACM International Conference on Systems and Storage, 97-108, 2019
Hash, Don’t Cache (the Page Table)
I Yaniv, D Tsafrir
SIGMETRICS '16: ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and …, 2016
True IOMMU Protection from DMA Attacks: When Copy is Faster than Zero Copy
A Markuze, A Morrison, D Tsafrir
ASPLOS '16: ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for …, 2016
Instability in parallel job scheduling simulation: the role of workload flurries
D Tsafrir, DG Feitelson
IPDPS '06: IEEE 20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing …, 2006
Portably solving file TOCTTOU races with hardness amplification
D Tsafrir, T Hertz, D Wagner, D Da Silva
FAST '08: 6th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies, 189-206, 2008
Effects of clock resolution on the scheduling of interactive and soft real-time processes
Y Etsion, D Tsafrir, DG Feitelson
SIGMETRICS '03: ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and …, 2003
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Articles 1–20