Rajesh Kumar Kushawaha
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Cited by
Selecting core-hole localization or delocalization in CS2 by photofragmentation dynamics
R Guillemin, P Decleva, M Stener, C Bomme, T Marin, L Journel, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6166, 2015
From double-slit interference to structural information in simple hydrocarbons
RK Kushawaha, M Patanen, R Guillemin, L Journel, C Miron, M Simon, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (38), 15201-15206, 2013
Postcollision interaction effects in Auger spectra following argon photoionization
R Guillemin, S Sheinerman, R Püttner, T Marchenko, G Goldsztejn, ...
Physical Review A 92 (1), 012503, 2015
Direct observation of double-core-hole shake-up states in photoemission
R Püttner, G Goldsztejn, D Céolin, JP Rueff, T Moreno, RK Kushawaha, ...
Physical review letters 114 (9), 093001, 2015
Ultrafast Dynamics in Postcollision Interaction after Multiple Auger Decays <?format ?>in Argon Photoionization
R Guillemin, S Sheinerman, C Bomme, L Journel, T Marin, T Marchenko, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (1), 013001, 2012
Core-hole-clock spectroscopies in the tender x-ray domain
MN Piancastelli, G Goldsztejn, T Marchenko, R Guillemin, RK Kushawaha, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47 (12), 124031, 2014
Ion-induced triple fragmentation of CO into
MR Jana, PN Ghosh, B Bapat, RK Kushawaha, K Saha, IA Prajapati, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 062715, 2011
Angle-dependent strong-field ionization and fragmentation of carbon dioxide measured using rotational wave packets
HVS Lam, S Yarlagadda, A Venkatachalam, TN Wangjam, ...
Physical Review A 102 (4), 043119, 2020
Isomer-dependent fragmentation dynamics of inner-shell photoionized difluoroiodobenzene
U Ablikim, C Bomme, E Savelyev, H Xiong, R Kushawaha, R Boll, K Amini, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (21), 13419-13431, 2017
Fragmentation dynamics of the methanol dication
RK Kushawaha, B Bapat
Chemical Physics Letters 463 (1-3), 42-46, 2008
Complex decay patterns in atomic core photoionization disentangled by ion-recoil measurements
R Guillemin, C Bomme, T Marin, L Journel, T Marchenko, RK Kushawaha, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 063425, 2011
Double momentum spectrometer for ion-electron vector correlations in dissociative photoionization
C Bomme, R Guillemin, T Marin, L Journel, T Marchenko, D Dowek, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (10), 2013
Electronic state-lifetime interference in resonant Auger spectra: a tool to disentangle overlapping core-excited states
G Goldsztejn, T Marchenko, D Céolin, L Journel, R Guillemin, JP Rueff, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (22), 15133-15142, 2016
Polarization dependence in non-resonant photo-triple-ionization of CO2
RK Kushawaha, SS Kumar, IA Prajapati, KP Subramanian, B Bapat
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (10), 105201, 2009
Strong-field-induced wave packet dynamics in carbon dioxide molecule
A Rudenko, V Makhija, A Vajdi, T Ergler, M Schürholz, RK Kushawaha, ...
Faraday Discussions 194, 463-478, 2016
Recoil-induced ultrafast molecular rotation probed by dynamical rotational Doppler effect
D Céolin, JC Liu, V Vaz da Cruz, H Ågren, L Journel, R Guillemin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (11), 4877-4882, 2019
Auger resonant-Raman study at the Ar K edge as probe of electronic-state-lifetime interferences
D Céolin, T Marchenko, R Guillemin, L Journel, RK Kushawaha, ...
Physical Review A 91 (2), 022502, 2015
Atomic Auger Doppler effects upon emission of fast photoelectrons
M Simon, R Püttner, T Marchenko, R Guillemin, RK Kushawaha, L Journel, ...
Nature Communications 5 (1), 4069, 2014
Auger resonant-Raman decay after Xe -edge photoexcitation
RK Kushawaha, K Jänkälä, T Marchenko, G Goldsztejn, R Guillemin, ...
Physical Review A 92 (1), 013427, 2015
Molecular-frame photoelectron angular distribution imaging studies of OCS S1s photoionization
C Bomme, R Guillemin, T Marin, L Journel, T Marchenko, N Trcera, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 45 (19), 194005, 2012
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Articles 1–20