Jesus Maria Rodriguez Presedo
Jesus Maria Rodriguez Presedo
Profesor Titular de Universidad, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
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Heart rate variability analysis with the R package RHRV
CAG Martínez, AO Quintana, XA Vila, MJL Touriño, L Rodríguez-Liñares, ...
Springer International Publishing 10, 978-3, 2017
Time-frequency analysis of heart-rate variability
J Vila, F Palacios, J Presedo, M Fernandez-Delgado, P Felix, S Barro
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 16 (5), 119-126, 1997
A new approach for TU complex characterization
JA Vila, Y Gang, JMR Presedo, M Fernández-Delgado, S Barro, M Malik
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 47 (6), 764-772, 2000
Heartbeat classification using abstract features from the abductive interpretation of the ECG
T Teijeiro, P Félix, J Presedo, D Castro
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 22 (2), 409-420, 2016
Intelligent telemonitoring of critical-care patients
S Barro, J Presedo, D Castro, M Fernandez-Delgado, S Fraga, M Lama, ...
IEEE Engineering in medicine and biology magazine 18 (4), 80-88, 1999
SUTIL: Intelligent ischemia monitoring system
J Vila, J Presedo, M Delgado, S Barro, R Ruiz, F Palacios
International Journal of Medical Informatics 47 (3), 193-214, 1997
Particle filter robot localisation through robust fusion of laser, WiFi, compass, and a network of external cameras
A Canedo-Rodríguez, V Alvarez-Santos, CV Regueiro, R Iglesias, S Barro, ...
Information Fusion 27, 170-188, 2016
Nonparametric estimation of stochastic differential equations with sparse Gaussian processes
CA Garcia, A Otero, P Felix, J Presedo, DG Marquez
Physical Review E 96 (2), 022104, 2017
Fuzzy modelling of the expert's knowledge in ECG-based ischaemia detection
J Presedo, J Vila, S Barro, F Palacios, R Ruiz, A Taddei, M Emdin
Fuzzy sets and systems 77 (1), 63-75, 1996
An evaluation of indexes as support tools in the diagnosis of sleep apnea
A Otero, P Félix, J Presedo, C Zamarrón
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 40, 1825-1834, 2012
A method for context-based adaptive QRS clustering in real time
D Castro, P Félix, J Presedo
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (5), 1660-1671, 2014
A low cost screening test for obstructive sleep apnea that can be performed at the patient's home
A Otero, SF Dapena, P Felix, J Presedo, M Tarasco
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing, 199-204, 2009
Comparison of different methods for hemodialysis evaluation by means of ROC curves: from artificial intelligence to current methods.
EA Fernández, R Valtuille, JMR Presedo, P Willshaw
Clinical nephrology 64 (3), 2005
An open platform for the protocolization of home medical supervision
T Teijeiro, P Félix, J Presedo, C Zamarrón
Expert systems with applications 40 (7), 2607-2614, 2013
Evaluation of an alternative definition for the apnea-hypopnea index
A Otero, P Félix, J Presedo, C Zamarrón
2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2010
Grammatic representation of beat sequences for fuzzy arrhythmia diagnosis
S Barro, R Ruiz, J Presedo, J Mira
International journal of bio-medical computing 27 (3-4), 245-259, 1991
New trends in patient monitoring
S Barro, J Presedo, P Félix, D Castro, JA Vila
Disease management and health outcomes 10, 291-306, 2002
A software toolkit for nonlinear Heart Rate Variability analysis
CA García, A Otero, J Presedo, X Vila, P Félix
Computing in Cardiology 2013, 393-396, 2013
Wireless interface for monitored patients in coronary care units
J Presedo, D Castro, J Vila, M Fernández-Delgado, S Fraga, M Larna, ...
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 2000
A study on the representation of QRS complexes with the optimum number of Hermite functions
DG Márquez, A Otero, CA García, J Presedo
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 22, 11-18, 2015
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Articles 1–20