Adam Kiczko
Adam Kiczko
Warsaw University of Life Sciences WULS – SGGW
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Differential evolution algorithm with separated groups for multi-dimensional optimization problems
AP Piotrowski, JJ Napiorkowski, A Kiczko
European Journal of Operational Research 216 (1), 33-46, 2012
Flow measurements using a sluice gate; analysis of applicability
E Kubrak, J Kubrak, A Kiczko, M Kubrak
Water 12 (3), 819, 2020
Maximising the usefulness of flood risk assessment for the River Vistula in Warsaw
A Kiczko, RJ Romanowicz, M Osuch, E Karamuz
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 13 (12), 3443-3455, 2013
An event simulation approach to the assessment of flood level frequencies: risk maps for the Warsaw reach of the River Vistula
RJ Romanowicz, A Kiczko
Hydrological Processes 30 (14), 2451-2462, 2016
Optimal capacity of a stormwater reservoir for flood peak reduction
A Kiczko, B Szeląg, AP Kozioł, M Krukowski, E Kubrak, J Kubrak, ...
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 23 (4), 04018008, 2018
Experimental investigation of kinetic energy and momentum coefficients in regular channels with stiff and flexible elements simulating submerged vegetation
E Kubrak, J Kubrak, A Kiczko
Acta Geophysica 63, 1405-1422, 2015
Uncertainty of Deardorff’s soil moisture model based on continuous TDR measurements for sandy loam soil
A Brandyk, A Kiczko, G Majewski, M Kleniewska, M Krukowski
J. Hydrol. Hydromech 64 (1), 23-29, 2016
Stochastic transfer function model applied to combined reservoir management and flow routing
RJ Romanowicz, A Kiczko, JJ Napiórkowski
Hydrological Sciences Journal–Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques 55 (1), 27-40, 2010
Predicting discharge capacity of vegetated compound channels: uncertainty and identifiability of one-dimensional process-based models
A Kiczko, K Västilä, A Kozioł, J Kubrak, E Kubrak, M Krukowski
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (8), 4135-4167, 2020
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of hydrodynamic model (SWMM) for storm water runoff forecasting in an urban basin-A case study
B Szelag, A Kiczko, L Dabek
Ochrona Srodowiska 38 (3), 15-22, 2016
Advanced sensitivity analysis of the impact of the temporal distribution and intensity of rainfall on hydrograph parameters in urban catchments
F Fatone, B Szeląg, A Kiczko, D Majerek, M Majewska, J Drewnowski, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 25 (10), 5493-5516, 2021
Relationship between rainfall duration and sewer system performance measures within the context of uncertainty
B Szeląg, A Kiczko, G Łagód, F De Paola
Water Resources Management 35 (15), 5073-5087, 2021
Too wet and too dry? Uncertainty of DEM as a potential source of significant errors in a model-based water level assessment in riparian and mire ecosystems
D Mirosław-Świątek, A Kiczko, S Szporak-Wasilewska, M Grygoruk
Wetlands Ecology and Management 25, 547-562, 2017
Assessment of water requirements of swamp communities: the river Narew case study
T Okruszko, A Kiczko
Publications of the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of …, 2008
Impact of uncertainty of floodplain Digital Terrain Model on 1D hydrodynamic flow calculation
A Kiczko, D Mirosław-Świątek
Water 10 (10), 1308, 2018
Hydrodynamic and probabilistic modelling of storm overflow discharges
S Bartosz, A Kiczko, J Studziński, L Dąbek
Journal of Hydroinformatics 20 (5), 1100-1110, 2018
Model-based analysis of macrophytes role in the flow distribution in the anastomosing river system
P Marcinkowski, A Kiczko, T Okruszko
Water 10 (7), 953, 2018
Experimental and numerical investigation of non-submerged flow under a sluice gate
A Kiczko, J Kubrak, E Kubrak
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW. Land Reclamation 47 (3), 2015
Impact of water management policy on flow conditions in wetland areas
A Kiczko, RJ Romanowicz, M Osuch
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 36 (13), 638-645, 2011
Stormwater reservoir sizing in respect of uncertainty
B Szeląg, A Kiczko, L Dąbek
Water 11 (2), 321, 2019
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Articles 1–20