Arieh Zaritsky
Arieh Zaritsky
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Life Sciences
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Extended screening by PCR for seven cry-group genes from field-collected strains of Bacillus thuringiensis
E Ben-Dov, A Zaritsky, E Dahan, Z Barak, R Sinai, R Manasherob, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 63 (12), 4883-4890, 1997
Bacteriophage T4 development depends on the physiology of its host Escherichia coli
H Hadas, M Einav, I Fishov, A Zaritsky
Microbiology 143 (1), 179-185, 1997
Complete Sequence and Organization of pBtoxis, the Toxin-Coding Plasmid of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
C Berry, S O'Neil, E Ben-Dov, AF Jones, L Murphy, MA Quail, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 68 (10), 5082-5095, 2002
Effect of Thymine Concentration on the Replication Velocity of DNA in a Thymineless Mutant of Escherichia coli
RH Pritchard, A Zaritsky
Nature 226 (5241), 126-131, 1970
Role of the nucleoid in the toporegulation of division
CL Woldringh, E Mulder, JAC Valkenburg, FB Wientjes, A Zaritsky, ...
Research in microbiology 141 (1), 39-49, 1990
Changes in Cell Size and Shape Associated with Changes in the Replication Time of the Chromosome of Escherichia coli
A Zaritsky, RH Pritchard
Journal of bacteriology 114 (2), 824-837, 1973
A UV Tolerant Mutant of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki Producing Melanin
D Saxena, E Ben-Dov, R Manasherob, Z Barak, S Boussiba, A Zaritsky
Current Microbiology 44, 25-30, 2002
Mosquito larvicidal activity of Escherichia coli with combinations of genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
E Ben-Dov, S Boussiba, A Zaritsky
Journal of Bacteriology 177 (10), 2851-2857, 1995
On microbial states of growth
I Fishov, A Zaritsky, NB Grover
Molecular microbiology 15 (5), 789-794, 1995
Measurement of membrane potential inBacillus subtilis: A comparison of lipophilic cations, rubidium ion, and a cyanine dye as probes
A Zaritsky, M Kihara, RM Macnab
The Journal of Membrane Biology 63, 215-231, 1981
Richness and diversity in dust stormborne biomes at the southeast mediterranean
I Katra, L Arotsker, H Krasnov, A Zaritsky, A Kushmaro, E Ben-Dov
Scientific reports 4 (1), 5265, 2014
Mosquito larvicidal activity of transgenic Anabaena strain PCC 7120 expressing combinations of genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
WU Xiaoqiang, SJ Vennison, L Huirong, E Ben-Dov, A Zaritsky, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63 (12), 4971-4974, 1997
Multiplex PCR Screening To Detect cry9Genes in Bacillus thuringiensis Strains
E Ben-Dov, Q Wang, A Zaritsky, R Manasherob, Z Barak, B Schneider, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65 (8), 3714-3716, 1999
Cyt1Aa toxin: crystal structure reveals implications for its membrane-perforating function
S Cohen, S Albeck, E Ben-Dov, R Cahan, M Firer, A Zaritsky, O Dym
Journal of Molecular Biology 413 (4), 804-814, 2011
Replication time of the chromosome in thymineless mutants of Escherichia coli
A Zaritsky, EH Pritchard
Journal of molecular biology 60 (1), 65-74, 1971
High-resolution crystal structure of activated Cyt2Ba monomer from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis
S Cohen, O Dym, S Albeck, E Ben-Dov, R Cahan, M Firer, A Zaritsky
Journal of molecular biology 380 (5), 820-827, 2008
Phospho-regulation of kinesin-5 during anaphase spindle elongation
R Avunie-Masala, N Movshovich, Y Nissenkorn, A Gerson-Gurwitz, ...
Journal of cell science 124 (6), 873-878, 2011
Transcription‐and translation‐dependent changes in membrane dynamics in bacteria: testing the transertion model for domain formation
Z Binenbaum, AH Parola, A Zaritsky, I Fishov
Molecular microbiology 32 (6), 1173-1182, 1999
Bacterial debris—an ecological mechanism for coexistence of bacteria and their viruses
A Rabinovitch, I Aviram, A Zaritsky
Journal of Theoretical Biology 224 (3), 377-383, 2003
On dimensional determination of rod-shaped bacteria
A Zaritsky
J. theor. Biol 54 (2), 243-248, 1975
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