Arguing security of generic avionic mission control computer system (mcc) using assurance cases BR Poreddy, S Corns Procedia Computer Science 6, 499-504, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Mathematical model of sub-system interactions for forward operating bases BR Poreddy, B Daniels IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 1, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
Dynamic mathematical model framework of complex utility and logistics system interactions using object-oriented approach for forward operating bases BR Poreddy, S Corns, S Long, A Soylemezoglu Engineering Management Journal 28 (2), 99-108, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Multi-level evolutionary algorithms resource allocation utilizing model-based systems engineering BR Poreddy Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2016 | | 2016 |
SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS LOGISTICS NETWORK DESIGN AND INVENTORY CONTROL USING EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHMS BR Poreddy Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society …, 2014 | | 2014 |
Complexity Management in Virtual Forward Operating Bases B Poreddy Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2014 | | 2014 |
Efficient Dynamic Logistics Routing Model of Utilities Delivery for Forward Operating Bases BR Poreddy, S Corns American Society for Engineering Management, 2013 | | 2013 |