Tianyu Wang
Tianyu Wang
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Coalitional graph games for popular content distribution in cognitive radio VANETs
T Wang, L Song, Z Han
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 62 (8), 4010-4019, 2013
Dynamic popular content distribution in vehicular networks using coalition formation games
T Wang, L Song, Z Han, B Jiao
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 31 (9), 538-547, 2013
Radio resource allocation for physical-layer security in D2D underlay communications
H Zhang, T Wang, L Song, Z Han
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2319-2324, 2014
Listen-and-talk: Full-duplex cognitive radio networks
Y Liao, T Wang, L Song, Z Han
2014 IEEE global communications conference, 3068-3073, 2014
Efficient resource allocation for mobile social networks in D2D communication underlaying cellular networks
Y Sun, T Wang, L Song, Z Han
2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2466-2471, 2014
Graph-based resource allocation for D2D communications underlaying cellular networks
H Zhang, T Wang, L Song, Z Han
2013 IEEE/CIC international conference on communications in China-workshops …, 2013
Overlapping coalitional games for collaborative sensing in cognitive radio networks
T Wang, L Song, Z Han, W Saad
2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 4118-4123, 2013
Decentralized dynamic spectrum access in full-duplex cognitive radio networks
Y Liao, T Wang, K Bian, L Song, Z Han
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 7552-7557, 2015
Incentive mechanism for collaborative smartphone sensing using overlapping coalition formation games
B Di, T Wang, L Song, Z Han
2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1705-1710, 2013
Overlapping coalition formation games for emerging communication networks
T Wang, L Song, Z Han, W Saad
IEEE Network 30 (5), 46-53, 2016
Joint spectrum access and power allocation in full-duplex cognitive cellular networks
T Wang, Y Liao, B Zhang, L Song
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3329-3334, 2015
Power allocation using Vickrey auction and sequential first-price auction games for physical layer security in cognitive relay networks
T Wang, L Song, Z Han, X Cheng, B Jiao
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1683-1687, 2012
Popular Content Distribution in CR-VANETs with Joint Spectrum Sensing and Channel Access using Coalitional Games
T Wang, L Song, H Zhu
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Wireless Spectrum 1 (2), 2014
Collaborative data dissemination in cognitive vanets with sensing-throughput tradeoff
T Wang, L Song, Z Han
2012 1st IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 41-45, 2012
Power allocation for two-way relay system based on sequential second price auction
T Wang, R Zhang, L Song, Z Han, H Li, B Jiao
Wireless Personal Communications 67, 47-62, 2012
Popular content distribution in vehicular networks using coalition formation games
T Wang, L Song, Z Han, Z Lu, L Hu
2013 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 6381-6385, 2013
Improve secure communications in cognitive two-way relay networks using sequential second price auction
T Wang, L Song, Z Han, B Jiao
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks …, 2011
Hybrid cooperation for machine‐to‐machine data collection in hierarchical smart building networks
X Luan, Z Zheng, T Wang, J Wu, H Xiang
IET Communications 9 (3), 421-428, 2015
Hybrid MAC protocol for full duplex Wi-Fi networks
J Hu, B Di, T Wang, K Bian, L Song
GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2017
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio
T Wang, L Song, W Saad, Z Han, T Wang, L Song, W Saad, Z Han
Overlapping Coalition Formation Games in Wireless Communication Networks, 27-61, 2017
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Articles 1–20