Sandra Jhean-Larose
Sandra Jhean-Larose
Professeure des universités, Université d'Orléans
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Cited by
A semantic space for modeling children's semantic memory
G Denhière, B Lemaire, C Bellissens, S Jhean-Larose
Handbook of latent semantic analysis, 143-165, 2007
A computational model for simulating text comprehension
B Lemaire, G Denhière, C Bellissens, S Jhean-Larose
Behavior research methods 38, 628-637, 2006
The intermediate effect: Interaction between prior knowledge and text structure
S Caillies, G Denhière, S Jhean-Larose
The construction of mental representations during reading, 151-168, 1999
Effect of tuned parameters on an LSA multiple choice questions answering model
A Lifchitz, S Jhean-Larose, G Denhière
Behavior research methods 41, 1201-1209, 2009
Validating an interlingual metanorm for emotional analysis of texts
N Leveau, S Jhean-Larose, G Denhière, BL Nguyen
Behavior research methods 44, 1007-1014, 2012
Imperfect answers in multiple choice questionnaires
J Diaz, M Rifqi, B Bouchon-Meunier, S Jhean-Larose, G Denhiére
Times of Convergence. Technologies Across Learning Contexts: Third European …, 2008
Psychologie cognitive et compréhension de texte: une démarche théorique et expérimentale
G Denhière, B Lemaire, C Bellissens, S Jhean-Larose
L’unité texte, 74-95, 2004
Apprentissage d'un système fonctionnel complexe
S Jhean-Larose
Colloque National de la Société Française de Psychologie, 1991
Coherence and truth: A cognitive model of propositional truth attribution
S Baudet, S Jhean‐Larose, D Legros
International journal of psychology 29 (3), 319-349, 1994
Influence of emotional valence and arousal on the spread of activation in memory
S Jhean-Larose, N Leveau, G Denhière
Cognitive processing 15, 515-522, 2014
EMOVAL: évaluation automatique de la valence et de l’activation émotionnelles des textes à l’aide d’une méta-norme de 5656 mots-racines
N Leveau, S Jhean-Larose, G Denhière
Psychologie française 56 (4), 209-221, 2011
Influence of expertise, coherence, and causal connectives on comprehension and recall of an expository text
D Martins, D Kigiel, S Jhean-Larose
Current psychology letters. Behaviour, brain & cognition, 2006
L'acquisition de connaissances à partir de textes en fonction des structures de connaissances et de croyances initiales des apprenants
S Jhean-Larose
Paris 8, 1994
L’Acquisition du vocabulaire
G Denhière, S Jhean-Larose
Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale–Éduscol, 2011
Document Classification with LSA and Pretopology.
M Ahat, SB Amor, M Bui, S Jhean-Larose, G Denhiere, É CHArt, ...
Stud. Inform. Univ. 8 (1), 125-144, 2010
Human hierarchization of semantic information in narratives and latent semantic analysis
G Denhière, V Hoareau, S Jhean-Larose, W Lehnard, H Baïer, ...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Latent Semantic Analysis …, 2007
Knowledge evaluation based on LSA: MCQs and free answers.
S Jhean-Larose, V Leclercq, J Diaz, G Bouchon-Meunier
Le concours DEFT'07 envisagé du point de vue de l’Analyse de la Sémantique Latente (LSA)
M Ahat, W Lenhart, H Baier, YV Hoareau, S Jhean-Larose, G Denhière
Proceedings of the conference DEFT'07, 2007
Differences in young children's emotional valence ratings of 180 stimuli
J Belmon, M Noyer-Martin, S Jhean-Larose
Personality and Individual Differences 206, 112121, 2023
Étude des processus cognitifs de construction et d'interprétation de combinaisons conceptuelles nouvelles
S Jhean-Larose, G Denhière
L'Année psychologique 106 (2), 265-304, 2006
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Articles 1–20